Braze Activity Lifecycle Callback Listener
Can be used to automatically handle Braze lifecycle methods. Optionally, openSession() and closeSession() are called on onActivityStarted and onActivityStopped respectively. The InAppMessageManager methods of registerInAppMessageManager() and unregisterInAppMessageManager() can be optionally called here as well. Note: This callback should not be set in any Activity. It must be set in the Application class of your app.
When true, handles calling openSession and closeSession in onActivityStarted and onActivityStopped respectively.
When true, registers and unregisters the BrazeInAppMessageManager in Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks.onActivityResumed and Application.ActivityLifecycleCallbacks.onActivityPaused respectively.
A set of Activitys for which in-app message registration will not occur. Each class should be retrieved via Activity.getClass. If null, an empty set is used instead.
A set of Activitys for which session handling will not occur. Each class should be retrieved via Activity.getClass. If null, an empty set is used instead.
Constructor that sets a blocklist for session handling and BrazeInAppMessageManager registration while also enabling both features.
Registers this listener directly against the Application. Equivalent to:
Sets the Activity.getClass blocklist for which in-app message registration will not occur.
Sets the Activity.getClass blocklist for which session handling will not occur.
Determines if this Activity should be ignored for the purposes of session tracking or in-app message registration.