
Wraps Log so that Braze log messages can be set to a configurable level.


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fun Any.brazelog(priority: BrazeLogger.Priority = D, tr: Throwable? = null, message: () -> String)

Sends a log message from a class.

fun brazelog(tag: String, priority: BrazeLogger.Priority = D, tr: Throwable? = null, message: () -> String)

Sends a log message outside of a class (or to specify a tag explicitly). Tag should also be specified when using within a coroutine.

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Generates a tag for a class.

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Internal Braze method. Do not use.

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fun d(tag: String, msg: String, tr: Throwable? = null)

Sends a debug log message.

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fun e(tag: String, msg: String, tr: Throwable)

Sends an error level log message.

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Gets the Braze log tag from a String.

fun getBrazeLogTag(classForTag: Class<*>): String

Returns a Log tag string prepended with the Braze SDK version and appended with Class.getName. The class name will be shortened to a logcat appropriate length.

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fun i(tag: String, msg: String, tr: Throwable? = null)

Sends an info level log message.

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Sets the log level if no log level was ever set via BrazeLogger.logLevel. The purpose of this method is allow for the safe setting of an initial configuration value while not overriding any log level calls made in code before the SDK was initialized.

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fun v(tag: String, msg: String, tr: Throwable? = null)

Sends a verbose log message.

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fun w(tag: String, msg: String, tr: Throwable? = null)

Sends an warn level log message.


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Sets the log level used for logging messages from the Braze SDK.

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var onLoggedCallback: (priority: BrazeLogger.Priority, message: String, throwable: Throwable?) -> Unit? = null

A callback function fired whenever a log is made from this class. Does not perform any filtering based on logLevel.

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const val SUPPRESS: Int
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const val VERBOSE: Int