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This class is used to display in-app messages that are either sent from Braze or are created natively in the host app. It will only show one in-app message at a time and will place all other in-app messages onto a stack. The BrazeInAppMessageManager will also keep track of in-app impressions and clicks, which can be viewed on the dashboard.

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open class DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper @JvmOverloads constructor(val inAppMessageView: View, val inAppMessage: IInAppMessage, val inAppMessageViewLifecycleListener: IInAppMessageViewLifecycleListener, val configurationProvider: BrazeConfigurationProvider, val openingAnimation: Animation?, val closingAnimation: Animation?, var clickableInAppMessageView: View?, var buttonViews: List<View>? = null, var closeButton: View? = null) : IInAppMessageViewWrapper

Constructor for base and slideup view wrappers. Adds click listeners to the in-app message view and adds swipe functionality to slideup in-app messages.

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