
IInAppMessageImageView is a unifying interface for android.view.View implementations that hold in-app message images, defining the required radius and cropping behavior for in-app messages images.


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abstract fun setAspectRatio(aspectRatio: Float)
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abstract fun setCornersRadiiPx(topLeft: Float, topRight: Float, bottomLeft: Float, bottomRight: Float)

Instruct the view to use the given radii for its corners.

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abstract fun setCornersRadiusPx(cornersRadius: Float)

Instruct the view to use the given radius for its corners.

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abstract fun setInAppMessageImageCropType(cropType: CropType?)

Instruct the view to use android.widget.ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP or equivalent.

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abstract fun setToHalfParentHeight(setToHalfHeight: Boolean)


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