Package-level declarations


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The IHtmlInAppMessageActionListener allows for the overriding of the default Braze display handling and setting custom behavior during the display of HTML In-App Messages.

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The IInAppMessageManagerListener returns the in-app message at specific events in its control flow and gives the host app the option of overriding Braze's default display handling and implementing its own custom behavior.

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IInAppMessageViewLifecycleListener returns the in-app message view at specific events in its display lifecycle for potential further processing and modification.

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The IInAppMessageWebViewClientListener is called at specific events during the display of an Html In-App Message. Button clicks that occur inside an HTML In-App Message are routed to this listener and not the IInAppMessageViewLifecycleListener. However, the display lifecycle of the HTML In-App Message is still handled by the IInAppMessageViewLifecycleListener.

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A android.view.View.OnTouchListener that makes any android.view.View dismissable when the user swipes (drags her finger) horizontally across the view.
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Adds touch events to the SwipeDismissTouchListener.