
open class CachedConfigurationProvider @JvmOverloads constructor(context: Context, shouldUseConfigurationCache: Boolean = true, var runtimeAppConfigurationProvider: RuntimeAppConfigurationProvider = RuntimeAppConfigurationProvider(context))


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fun CachedConfigurationProvider(context: Context, shouldUseConfigurationCache: Boolean = true, runtimeAppConfigurationProvider: RuntimeAppConfigurationProvider = RuntimeAppConfigurationProvider(context))


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object Companion


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fun getBooleanValue(primaryKey: String, defaultValue: Boolean): Boolean

Attempts to find the mapped value for the primary key, then the secondary key. A found value for the primary key will always take precedence over the secondary key. The configuration cache will update using the primary key, even if the secondary key has the mapped value.

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fun getColorValue(primaryKey: String): Int?
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Performs retrieval of a given resource type from the varying levels of caches using the primary and secondary keys.

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fun getIntValue(primaryKey: String, defaultValue: Int): Int
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fun getStringSetValue(primaryKey: String, defaultValue: Set<String>?): Set<String>?
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fun getStringValue(primaryKey: String, defaultValue: String?): String?
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Queries the context resources for a given resource identifier.

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