Package-level declarations


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InAppMessageBase is the base model interface for all in-app messages.

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IInAppMessageHtml is the base model interface for all Html In-App Messages.

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InAppMessageBase is the base model interface for all immersive in-app messages.

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Interface for applying themes to IInAppMessage's.

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IInAppMessageHtml is the base model interface for getting/setting the image of a message.

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This is the base model interface for all Html In-App Messages with ZIP file backed assets.

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open class InAppMessageControl(jsonObject: JSONObject, brazeManager: IBrazeManager) : InAppMessageBase

If the user is enrolled in the control group of an in-app message campaign, an InAppMessageControl should be instantiated. InAppMessageControl instances can be serialized and used for analytics only. They should never be used to back an actual in-app message for display.

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IInAppMessage that renders HTML without a corresponding zip file asset. Instead, assets are all self-contained within a single HTML file. Certain URLs within the HTML file may be specified for download; these URLS are referred to as the "asset URLs" of this in-app message type.

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InAppMessageSlideup is the model for slideup type in-app messages.

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MessageButton is a model for a styleable button containing text and a click action.