Braze iOS SDK
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ABKNFBaseCardCell Class Reference

Instance Methods

(void) - setUp
(void) - setUpUI
(void) - setUpRootView
(void) - setUpRootViewBorder
(void) - setUpUnreadIndicatorView
(void) - applyCard:
(UIImage *) - getPlaceHolderImage
(Class) - imageViewClass

Class Methods

(UIColor *) + ABKNFDescriptionLabelColor
(UIColor *) + ABKNFTitleLabelColor
(UIColor *) + ABKNFTitleLabelColorOnGray


IBOutlet UIView * rootView
IBOutlet UIImageView * unreadIndicatorView
id< ABKBaseNewsFeedCellDelegatedelegate
IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint * rootViewLeadingConstraint
IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint * rootViewTrailingConstraint
IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint * rootViewTopConstraint
IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint * rootViewBottomConstraint
CGFloat cardSidePadding
CGFloat cardSpacing
BOOL hideUnreadIndicator

Method Documentation

- (void) applyCard: (ABKCard *)  card
cardThe card model for the cell.

Apply the data from the given card to the card cell.

Implemented in ABKNFBannerCardCell.

- (UIImage *) getPlaceHolderImage

This is a utility method to return the place holder image.

- (Class) imageViewClass

This is a utility method to return the image view class from the ABKImageDelegate.

- (void) setUp

Initialization of cell called even with storyboard/XIB, exposed for customization.

- (void) setUpRootView

Programmatic initialization and layout of cell rootView, exposed for customization.

- (void) setUpRootViewBorder

Programmatic initialization and layout of cell border, exposed for customization.

- (void) setUpUI

Programmatic initialization and layout cell, exposed for customization.

- (void) setUpUnreadIndicatorView

Programmatic initialization and layout of unread indicator image, exposed for customization.

Property Documentation

- (CGFloat) cardSidePadding

These are basic UI configuration for the News Feed. They are set to the default value in setUp method.

It's recommended to set the values before the view is displayed.

- (IBOutlet UIView*) rootView

This view displays the card contents and is the base view container for each card. To change or configure the outline of the card like card width, background color board width, etc, you can update this property accordingly.

- (IBOutlet NSLayoutConstraint*) rootViewLeadingConstraint

Card root view related constraints

- (IBOutlet UIImageView*) unreadIndicatorView

This is the triangle image which shows if a card has been viewed by the user.