Braze iOS SDK
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<ABKInAppMessageUIControlling> Protocol Referenceabstract

Instance Methods

(void) - setInAppMessageUIDelegate:
(void) - hideCurrentInAppMessage:
(ABKInAppMessageDisplayChoice) - getCurrentDisplayChoiceForInAppMessage:
(ABKInAppMessageDisplayChoice) - getCurrentDisplayChoiceForControlInAppMessage:
(void) - showInAppMessage:
(BOOL) - inAppMessageCurrentlyVisible

Method Documentation

- (ABKInAppMessageDisplayChoice) getCurrentDisplayChoiceForControlInAppMessage: (ABKInAppMessage *)  controlInAppMessage

This method will return the ABKInAppMessageDisplayChoice (see ABKInAppMessageControllerDelegate for more information) based on whether or not the keyboard is showing.

For customization, please use a subclass or category to override this method.

- (ABKInAppMessageDisplayChoice) getCurrentDisplayChoiceForInAppMessage: (ABKInAppMessage *)  inAppMessage

This method will return the ABKInAppMessageDisplayChoice (see ABKInAppMessageControllerDelegate for more information) based on whether or not the keyboard is showing. If you have implemented the beforeInAppMessageDisplayed:withKeyboardIsUp: in ABKInAppMessageUIDelegate, the choice returned there will override the default choice.

For customization, please use a subclass or category to override this method.

- (void) hideCurrentInAppMessage: (BOOL)  animated

This method will hide the in-app message that is currently being displayed. The animated parameter controls whether or not the in-app message will be animated away. This method does nothing if no in-app message is currently being displayed.

Note: This will not fire the onInAppMessageDismissed: delegate method.

For customization, please use a subclass or category to override this method.

- (BOOL) inAppMessageCurrentlyVisible

This method returns whether or not an in-app message is currently being shown.

For customization, please use a subclass or category to override this method.

- (void) setInAppMessageUIDelegate: (id)  uiDelegate

This method sets the optional ABKInAppMessageUIDelegate.

To set this delegate, call [[Appboy sharedInstance].inAppMessageController.inAppMessageUIController setInAppMessageUIDelegate: ] after initializing Braze.

- (void) showInAppMessage: (ABKInAppMessage *)  inAppMessage

This method displays the in-app message. We call it when the in-app message has no image URL, or there is an image URL, and it has already been downloaded. If you call this method directly and the image hasn't been downloaded, there will be a spinner animating in the image view.

For customization, please use a subclass or category to override this method.