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ABKUser Class Reference

#import <ABKUser.h>

Instance Methods

(BOOL) - addAlias:withLabel:
(BOOL) - setGender:
(BOOL) - setEmailNotificationSubscriptionType:
(BOOL) - setPushNotificationSubscriptionType:
(BOOL) - addToSubscriptionGroupWithGroupId:
(BOOL) - removeFromSubscriptionGroupWithGroupId:
(BOOL) - setCustomAttributeWithKey:andBOOLValue:
(BOOL) - setCustomAttributeWithKey:andIntegerValue:
(BOOL) - setCustomAttributeWithKey:andDoubleValue:
(BOOL) - setCustomAttributeWithKey:andStringValue:
(BOOL) - setCustomAttributeWithKey:andDateValue:
(BOOL) - unsetCustomAttributeWithKey:
(BOOL) - incrementCustomUserAttribute:
(BOOL) - incrementCustomUserAttribute:by:
(BOOL) - addToCustomAttributeArrayWithKey:value:
(BOOL) - removeFromCustomAttributeArrayWithKey:value:
(BOOL) - setCustomAttributeArrayWithKey:array:
(BOOL) - setLastKnownLocationWithLatitude:longitude:horizontalAccuracy:
(BOOL) - setLastKnownLocationWithLatitude:longitude:horizontalAccuracy:altitude:verticalAccuracy:
(BOOL) - addLocationCustomAttributeWithKey:latitude:longitude:
(BOOL) - removeLocationCustomAttributeWithKey:


NSString * firstName
NSString * lastName
NSString * email
NSDate * dateOfBirth
NSString * country
NSString * homeCity
NSString * language
NSString * phone
NSString * userID
NSString * avatarImageURL

Detailed Description

When setting the custom attributes with custom keys:

  1. The maximum key length is 255 characters; longer keys are truncated.
  2. The maximum length for a string value in a custom attribute is 255 characters; longer values are truncated.

Method Documentation

- (BOOL) addAlias: (NSString *)  alias
withLabel: (NSString *)  label 

Adds an an alias for the current user. Individual (alias, label) pairs can exist on one and only one user. If a different user already has this alias or external user id, the alias attempt will be rejected on the server.

aliasThe alias of the current user.
labelThe label of the alias; used to differentiate it from other aliases for the user.
Whether or not the alias and label are valid. Does not guarantee they won't collide with an existing pair.
- (BOOL) addLocationCustomAttributeWithKey: (NSString *)  key
latitude: (double)  latitude
longitude: (double)  longitude 

Adds the location custom attribute for the user.

keyThe custom attribute key
latitudeThe latitude of the location in degrees, the number should be in the range of [-90, 90]
longitudeThe longitude of the location in degrees, the number should be in the range of [-180, 180]
- (BOOL) addToCustomAttributeArrayWithKey: (NSString *)  key
value: (NSString *)  value 

Adds the string value to a custom attribute string array specified by the key. If you add a key that has not previously been set, a custom attribute string array will be created containing the value.

keyThe custom attribute key
valueA string to be added to the custom attribute string array
YES if the operation was successful
- (BOOL) addToSubscriptionGroupWithGroupId: (NSString *)  groupId

Adds the user to a Subscription Group.

groupIdThe string UUID corresponding to the subscription group, provided by the Braze dashboard.
YES if the user was successfully added, else NO. If not, the groupId might have been nil or invalid.
- (BOOL) incrementCustomUserAttribute: (NSString *)  key

Increments the value of an custom attribute by one. Only integer and long custom attributes can be incremented. Attempting to increment a custom attribute that is not an integer or a long will be ignored. If you increment a custom attribute that has not previously been set, a custom attribute will be created and assigned a value of one.

keyThe identifier of the custom attribute
YES if the increment for the custom attribute of given key is saved
- (BOOL) incrementCustomUserAttribute: (NSString *)  key
by: (NSInteger)  incrementValue 

Increments the value of an custom attribute by a given amount. Only integer and long custom attributes can be incremented. Attempting to increment a custom attribute that is not an integer or a long will be ignored. If you increment a custom attribute that has not previously been set, a custom attribute will be created and assigned the value of incrementValue. To decrement the value of a custom attribute, use a negative incrementValue.

keyThe identifier of the custom attribute
incrementValueThe amount by which to increment the custom attribute
YES if the increment for the custom attribute of given key is saved
- (BOOL) removeFromCustomAttributeArrayWithKey: (NSString *)  key
value: (NSString *)  value 

Removes the string value from a custom attribute string array specified by the key. If you remove a key that has not previously been set, nothing will be changed.

keyThe custom attribute key
valueA string to be removed from the custom attribute string array
YES if the operation was successful
- (BOOL) removeFromSubscriptionGroupWithGroupId: (NSString *)  groupId

Removes the user from a Subscription Group.

groupIdThe string UUID corresponding to the subscription group, provided by the Braze dashboard.
YES if the user was successfully removed, else NO. If not, the groupId might have been nil or invalid.
- (BOOL) removeLocationCustomAttributeWithKey: (NSString *)  key

Removes the location custom attribute for the user.

keyThe custom attribute key
- (BOOL) setCustomAttributeArrayWithKey: (NSString *)  key
array: (nullable NSArray *)  valueArray 

Sets a string array from a custom attribute specified by the key.

keyThe custom attribute key
valueArrayA string array to set as a custom attribute. If this value is nil, then Braze will unset the custom attribute and remove the corresponding array if there is one.
YES if the operation was successful
- (BOOL) setCustomAttributeWithKey: (NSString *)  key
andBOOLValue: (BOOL)  value 
keyThe String name of the custom user attribute
valueA boolean value to set as a custom attribute
whether or not the custom user attribute was set successfully; If not, your key might have been nil or empty, your value might have been invalid (either nil, or not of the correct type), or you tried to set a value for one of the reserved keys. Please check the log for more details about the specific failure you encountered.
- (BOOL) setCustomAttributeWithKey: (NSString *)  key
andDateValue: (NSDate *)  value 
keyThe String name of the custom user attribute
valueAn NSDate value to set as a custom attribute
whether or not the custom user attribute was set successfully; If not, your key might have been nil or empty, your value might have been invalid (either nil, or not of the correct type), or you tried to set a value for one of the reserved keys. Please check the log for more details about the specific failure you encountered.
- (BOOL) setCustomAttributeWithKey: (NSString *)  key
andDoubleValue: (double)  value 
keyThe String name of the custom user attribute
valueA double value to set as a custom attribute
whether or not the custom user attribute was set successfully; If not, your key might have been nil or empty, your value might have been invalid (either nil, or not of the correct type), or you tried to set a value for one of the reserved keys. Please check the log for more details about the specific failure you encountered.
- (BOOL) setCustomAttributeWithKey: (NSString *)  key
andIntegerValue: (NSInteger)  value 
keyThe String name of the custom user attribute
valueAn integer value to set as a custom attribute
whether or not the custom user attribute was set successfully; If not, your key might have been nil or empty, your value might have been invalid (either nil, or not of the correct type), or you tried to set a value for one of the reserved keys. Please check the log for more details about the specific failure you encountered.
- (BOOL) setCustomAttributeWithKey: (NSString *)  key
andStringValue: (NSString *)  value 
keyThe String name of the custom user attribute
valueAn NSString value to set as a custom attribute
whether or not the custom user attribute was set successfully; If not, your key might have been nil or empty, your value might have been invalid (either nil, or not of the correct type), or you tried to set a value for one of the reserved keys. Please check the log for more details about the specific failure you encountered.
- (BOOL) setEmailNotificationSubscriptionType: (ABKNotificationSubscriptionType)  emailNotificationSubscriptionType

Sets whether or not the user should be sent email campaigns. Setting it to unsubscribed opts the user out of an email campaign that you create through the Braze dashboard.

emailNotificationSubscriptionTypeenum representing the user's email notifications subscription type.
YES if the field is set successfully, else NO.
- (BOOL) setGender: (ABKUserGenderType)  gender
genderABKUserGender enum representing the user's gender.
YES if the user gender is set properly
- (BOOL) setLastKnownLocationWithLatitude: (double)  latitude
longitude: (double)  longitude
horizontalAccuracy: (double)  horizontalAccuracy 

Sets the last known location for the user. Intended for use with ABKDisableLocationAutomaticTrackingOptionKey set to YES when starting Braze, so that the only locations being set are by the integrating app. Otherwise, calls to this method will be contending with automatic location update events.

latitudeThe latitude of the User's location in degrees, the number should be in the range of [-90, 90]
longitudeThe longitude of the User's location in degrees, the number should be in the range of [-180, 180]
horizontalAccuracyThe accuracy of the User's horizontal location in meters, the number should not be negative
- (BOOL) setLastKnownLocationWithLatitude: (double)  latitude
longitude: (double)  longitude
horizontalAccuracy: (double)  horizontalAccuracy
altitude: (double)  altitude
verticalAccuracy: (double)  verticalAccuracy 

Sets the last known location for the user. Intended for use with ABKDisableLocationAutomaticTrackingOptionKey set to YES when starting Braze, so that the only locations being set are by the integrating app. Otherwise, calls to this method will be contending with automatic location update events.

latitudeThe latitude of the User's location in degrees, the number should be in the range of [-90, 90]
longitudeThe longitude of the User's location in degrees, the number should be in the range of [-180, 180]
horizontalAccuracyThe accuracy of the User's horizontal location in meters, the number should not be negative
altitudeThe altitude of the User's location in meters
verticalAccuracyThe accuracy of the User's vertical location in meters, the number should not be negative
- (BOOL) setPushNotificationSubscriptionType: (ABKNotificationSubscriptionType)  pushNotificationSubscriptionType

Sets the push notification subscription status of the user. Used to collect information about the user.

pushNotificationSubscriptionTypeenum representing the user's push notifications subscription type.
YES if the field is set successfully, else NO.
- (BOOL) unsetCustomAttributeWithKey: (NSString *)  key
keyThe String name of the custom user attribute to unset
whether or not the custom user attribute was unset successfully

Property Documentation

- (ABKAttributionData*) attributionData

Sets the attribution information for the user. For in apps that have an install tracking integration. For more information, please refer to ABKAttributionData.h.

- (NSString*) avatarImageURL

The User's avatar image URL. This URL will be processed by the server and used in their user profile on the dashboard. (String)

- (NSString*) country

The User's country (String)

- (NSDate*) dateOfBirth

The User's date of birth (NSDate)

- (NSString*) email

The User's email (String)

- (ABKFacebookUser*) facebookUser

The User's Facebook account information. For more detail, please refer to ABKFacebookUser.h.

- (NSString*) firstName

The User's first name (String)

- (NSString*) homeCity

The User's home city (String)

- (NSString*) language

The User's language (String)

Language Strings should be valid ISO 639-1 language codes. See

If not set here, user language will be inferred from the device language.

- (NSString*) lastName

The User's last name (String)

- (NSString*) phone

The User's phone number (String)

- (ABKTwitterUser*) twitterUser

The User's Twitter account information. For more detail, please refer to ABKTwitterUser.h.