Braze iOS SDK
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ABKUIUtils Class Reference

Instance Methods

(UIWindowScene *activeWindowScene) - API_AVAILABLE

Class Methods

(NSBundle *) + bundle:channel:
(UIImage *) + imageNamed:bundle:channel:
(NSString *) + getLocalizedString:inAppboyBundle:table:
(BOOL) + objectIsValidAndNotEmpty:
(Class) + getModalFeedViewControllerClass
(BOOL) + isNotchedPhone
(UIInterfaceOrientation) + getInterfaceOrientation
(CGSize) + getStatusBarSize
(UIColor *) + dynamicColorForLightColor:darkColor:
(BOOL) + string:isEqualToString:
(BOOL) + responderChainOf:hasKindOfClass:
(BOOL) + responderChainOf:hasClassPrefixedWith:
(UIFont *) + preferredFontForTextStyle:weight:
(void) + enableAdjustsFontForContentSizeCategory:


UIWindow * activeApplicationWindow
UIViewController * activeApplicationViewController
BOOL applicationStatusBarHidden
UIStatusBarStyle applicationStatusBarStyle

Method Documentation

- (UIWindowScene* activeWindowScene) API_AVAILABLE (ios(13.0)) 

The currently active UIWindowScene.

+ (NSBundle *) bundle: (Class)  bundleClass
channel: (ABKChannel)  channel 

Given a class and a channel, this method searches across multiple locations and returns the appropriate bundle.

bundleClassThe class associated with the bundle.
channelThe channel associated with the bundle.
The bundle if available, nil otherwise.
+ (void) enableAdjustsFontForContentSizeCategory: (id)  label

Enables adjustsFontForContentSizeCategory on the label if available (iOS 10+).

This method has no effect on iOS / tvOS versions prior to 10.0.

labelAny object conforming to UIContentSizeCategoryAdjusting
+ (UIFont *) preferredFontForTextStyle: (UIFontTextStyle)  textStyle
weight: (UIFontWeight)  weight 

Creates an instance of the font associated with the text style and scaled appropriately for the user's selected content size category.

On iOS 10 / tvOS 10 and below, this method does not apply the text style to the resulting font. The font size is chosen according to (Large / Default).
textStyleThe text style to use
weightThe weight of the font
The font corresponding to the text style with weight applied to it.
+ (BOOL) responderChainOf: (UIResponder *)  responder
hasClassPrefixedWith: (NSString *)  prefix 

Verifies that one of the responders in the responder chain is prefixed by prefix.

responderThe start of the UIResponder chain.
prefixThe prefix looked for in the responder chain.
YES if a class prefixed by prefix is found in the responder chain, NO otherwise.
+ (BOOL) responderChainOf: (UIResponder *)  responder
hasKindOfClass: (Class)  aClass 

Verifies that one of the responders in the responder chain is kind of class aClass.

responderThe start of the UIResponder chain.
aClassThe UIResponder subclass looked for in the responder chain.
YES if aClass is found in the responder chain, NO otherwise.

Property Documentation

- (UIViewController*) activeApplicationViewController

The currently active application UIViewController.

- (UIWindow*) activeApplicationWindow

The currently active application UIWindow.

- (BOOL) applicationStatusBarHidden

The current application status bar hidden state.

- (UIStatusBarStyle) applicationStatusBarStyle

The current application status bar style.