Braze iOS SDK
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ABKContentCardsController Class Reference

Instance Methods

(NSInteger) - unviewedContentCardCount
(NSInteger) - contentCardCount


NSArray * contentCards
NSDate * lastUpdate

Method Documentation

- (NSInteger) contentCardCount

Returns the count of available cards, including control cards. Cards are counted only once even if they appear in multiple Content Cards views.

- (NSInteger) unviewedContentCardCount

Returns the count of unviewed cards, excluding control cards. A "view" happens when a card becomes visible in the Content Cards view. This differentiates between cards which are off-screen in the scrolling view, and those which are on-screen; when a card scrolls onto the screen, it's counted as viewed.

Cards are counted as viewed only once – if a card scrolls off the screen and back on, it's not re-counted.

Cards are counted only once even if they appear in multiple Content Cards views or across multiple devices.

Property Documentation

- (NSArray*) contentCards

The latest content cards that are saved in memory and disk.

- (NSDate*) lastUpdate

The NSDate object that indicates the last time the contentCards property was updated from Braze server.