- Gender - Enum in com.appboy.enums
Convenience enum to represent gender.
- GEOFENCES_AUTOMATIC_REQUESTS_ENABLED_KEY - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- GEOFENCES_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- get(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.CardCategory
- get(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.outgoing.AppboyProperties
- getAccentColor() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getActionButtons() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getActionId() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- getActionIndex() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- getActionIndex() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- getActionViewIntent(Context, Uri, Bundle) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.actions.UriAction
- getActiveNotificationFactory() - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Returns a custom AppboyNotificationFactory if set, else the default AppboyNotificationFactory
- getActivity() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- getAllCards() - Method in class com.braze.events.ContentCardsUpdatedEvent
- getAllCategories() - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.CardCategory
- getAnalyticsEnabledEnter() - Method in class com.braze.models.BrazeGeofence
- getAnalyticsEnabledExit() - Method in class com.braze.models.BrazeGeofence
- getAnimateIn() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets whether this in-app message will animate in or
appear suddenly.
- getAnimateIn() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getAnimateOut() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets whether this in-app message will animate out or
disappear suddenly.
- getAnimateOut() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getApiEndpoint(Uri) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboyEndpointProvider
Given a valid Braze API endpoint, this method returns a valid endpoint
- getAppboyApiEndpoint(Uri) - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
If an
is configured, that provider's delegate is
used to generate the Uri for the Braze API endpoint.
- getAppboyApiKey() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getAppboyApiKeyStringFromLocaleMapping(Locale) - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
Attempts to return the api key from the XML based on the current locale.
- getAppboyConfigurationProvider() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getAppboyExtras() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getAppboyExtrasWithoutPreprocessing(Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- getAppboyImageLoader() - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getAppboyImageLoader() - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
- getAppboyLogTag(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
- getAppboyNavigator() - Static method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyNavigator
Gets the current IAppboyNavigator class that defines the actions that should be taken when Braze attempts to
display the news feed or open a URI from an in-app message.
- getAppboyPushMessageRegistrationId() - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getAppboyPushMessageRegistrationId() - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Returns the FCM/ADM registration Id used to send the device push messages.
- getApplicationContext() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- getApplicationIconResourceId() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getAppropriateImageUrl(IInAppMessageWithImage) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- getAspectRatio() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.BannerImageCard
Returns the aspect ratio of the card image.
- getAspectRatio() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.CaptionedImageCard
Returns the aspect ratio of the card image.
- getAssetFileStringContents(AssetManager, String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeFileUtils
Retrieve the string contents of a file from Android assets
- getAssetsZipRemoteUrl() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageZippedAssetHtml
Gets the remote URL of the assets zip file of this In-App Message.
- getAssetsZipRemoteUrl() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageZippedAssetHtmlBase
- getAssetUrls() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtml
- getAttachedAppboyExtras(Bundle) - Static method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
Get the extras Bundle from the notification extras or an empty bundle.
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the background color on this in-app message.
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getBackgroundColor() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- getBaseUrlForRequests() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getBigImageUrl() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getBigNotificationStyle(Context, Bundle, Bundle, NotificationCompat.Builder) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationStyleFactory
- getBigPictureNotificationStyle(Context, Bundle, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationStyleFactory
- getBigPictureNotificationStyle(BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationStyleFactory
Returns a BigPictureStyle notification style initialized with the bitmap, big title, and big summary
specified in the notificationExtras and appboyExtras bundles.
- getBigSummaryText() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getBigTextNotificationStyle(BrazeConfigurationProvider, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationStyleFactory
- getBigTextNotificationStyle(BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationStyleFactory
Returns a BigTextStyle notification style initialized with the content, big title, and big summary
specified in the notificationExtras and appboyExtras bundles.
- getBigTitleText() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getBitmap() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageWithImage
Gets the bitmap on this in-app message.
- getBitmap() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- getBitmap(Context, Uri, BrazeViewBounds) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeImageUtils
Downloads an image from the internet or loads an image locally and returns a bitmap object.
- getBitmapUrl() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- getBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.CachedConfigurationProvider
- getBooleanValue(String, boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.RuntimeAppConfigurationProvider
- getBorderColor() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- getBrazeLogTag(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
Returns a Log
tag string prepended with the Braze SDK version and appended with
- getByteSize(String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.StringUtils
Gets the number of bytes in UTF-8 encoding.
- getCachedCardsAsEvent() - Method in interface com.braze.storage.ICardStorageProvider
Gets the cached cards as an event from storage.
- getCachedContentCards() - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getCachedContentCards() - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Retrieves the offline/cached list of Content Cards from offline storage.
- getCacheFileSuffix(Context, String, String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.StringUtils
There is the potential for having a too-long filename, but Android doesn't actually have anything about that in the docs.
- getCacheFileSuffix(Context, String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.StringUtils
Gets a MD5 hash of the userId.
- getCampaignId() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- getCard() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.view.BaseFeedCardView
- getCardCount() - Method in class com.appboy.events.FeedUpdatedEvent
The total number of cards in the feed.
- getCardCount(CardCategory) - Method in class com.appboy.events.FeedUpdatedEvent
- getCardCount(EnumSet<CardCategory>) - Method in class com.appboy.events.FeedUpdatedEvent
- getCardCount() - Method in class com.braze.events.ContentCardsUpdatedEvent
- getCardType() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.BannerImageCard
- getCardType() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.CaptionedImageCard
- getCardType() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
Returns a
representing the type of this card.
- getCardType() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.ControlCard
- getCardType() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.ShortNewsCard
- getCardType() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.TextAnnouncementCard
- getCardTypeFromJson(JSONObject) - Method in class com.appboy.enums.CardKey.Provider
Parses out the card type from the json and returns a
- getCarryoverInAppMessage() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.BrazeInAppMessageManager
- getCategories() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
Returns the categories for this Feed card.
- getCategories() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyFeedFragment
- getCategories() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyXamarinFormsFeedFragment
- getChannel() - Method in interface com.appboy.ui.actions.IAction
- getChannel() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.actions.NewsfeedAction
- getChannel() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.actions.UriAction
- getChevronColor() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageSlideup
- getClassLogTag() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.BaseCardView
- getClickAction() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the click action of this in-app message.
- getClickAction() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getClickAction() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- getCloseButtonColor() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Gets the close button color on this in-app message.
- getCloseButtonColor() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- getClosingAnimation(IInAppMessage) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.factories.DefaultInAppMessageAnimationFactory
- getClosingAnimation(IInAppMessage) - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.IInAppMessageAnimationFactory
This method returns the animation that will be used to animate the message as it exits the screen.
- getColorIntegerOrNull(JSONObject, String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.JsonUtils
- getColorValue(String) - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.CachedConfigurationProvider
Retrieves a cached configuration for a color resource.
- getConfigurationProvider() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getConfiguredApiKey(Context) - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
A helper method to determine if the SDK is configured with an API key.
- getContentCardCount() - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getContentCardCount() - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Retrieves information about Content Cards based on the currently cached data.
- getContentCardsActionListener() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.managers.BrazeContentCardsManager
- getContentCardsKey() - Method in enum com.appboy.enums.CardKey
- getContentCardsLastUpdatedInSecondsFromEpoch() - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getContentCardsLastUpdatedInSecondsFromEpoch() - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Retrieves information about Content Cards based on the currently cached data.
- getContentCardsRecyclerView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.ContentCardsFragment
The RecyclerView
used in this fragment.
- getContentCardsViewBindingHandler() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.ContentCardsFragment
- getContentCardSyncData() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getContentCardSyncUserId() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getContentCardUnviewedCount() - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getContentCardUnviewedCount() - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Retrieves information about Content Cards based on the currently cached data.
- getContentCardUpdateHandler() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.ContentCardsFragment
- getContentCardUpdateRunnable(ContentCardsUpdatedEvent) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.ContentCardsFragment
- getContentText() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getContext() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getControlInAppMessageManagerListener() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- getConversationalPushStyle(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationStyleFactory
- getConversationMessages() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getConversationPersonMap() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getConversationReplyPersonId() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getConversationShortcutId() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getCooldownEnterSeconds() - Method in class com.braze.models.BrazeGeofence
- getCooldownExitSeconds() - Method in class com.braze.models.BrazeGeofence
- getCreated() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- getCropType() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the crop type for this in-app message's image.
- getCropType() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getCurrentUser() - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getCurrentUser(IValueCallback<BrazeUser>) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getCurrentUser() - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Returns the user currently being tracked by Braze.
- getCurrentUser(IValueCallback<BrazeUser>) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Returns the user currently being tracked by Braze.
- getCustomAppboyNotificationFactory() - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getCustomBrazeNotificationFactory() - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getCustomEndpoint() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getCustomHtmlWebViewActivityClassName() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getCustomLocationProviderNames() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getCustomNotificationId() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getDeeplink() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- getDefaultInAppMessageViewFactory(IInAppMessage) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- getDefaultNotificationAccentColor() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getDefaultNotificationChannelDescription() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getDefaultNotificationChannelName() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getDefaultPendingIntentFlags() - Static method in class com.braze.support.IntentUtils
- getDensityDpi(Context) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeImageUtils
- getDescription() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.CaptionedImageCard
- getDescription() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.ShortNewsCard
- getDescription() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.TextAnnouncementCard
- getDeviceId() - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
Get the device ID - a randomly generated, app specific ID that is stored on the device.
- getDeviceId() - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Get the device ID - a randomly generated, app specific ID that is stored on the device.
- getDeviceObjectAllowlist() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getDeviceObjectWhitelist() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getDismissType() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the dismiss type of this in-app message.
- getDismissType() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getDisplayHeightPixels(Context) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeImageUtils
- getDisplayWidthPixels(Context) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeImageUtils
- getDistanceFromGeofenceRefresh() - Method in class com.braze.models.BrazeGeofence
- getDoesBackButtonDismissInAppMessageView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- getDoesClickOutsideModalViewDismissInAppMessageView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- getDomain() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.BannerImageCard
- getDomain() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.CaptionedImageCard
- getDomain() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.ShortNewsCard
- getDomain() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.TextAnnouncementCard
- getDurationInMilliseconds() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the duration of this in-app message.
- getDurationInMilliseconds() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getEmptyCardsAdapter() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.ContentCardsFragment
- getEmptyUpdate() - Static method in class com.braze.events.ContentCardsUpdatedEvent
- getEnum(JSONObject, String, Class<TargetEnum>) - Static method in class com.braze.support.JsonUtils
- getErrorCode() - Method in class com.appboy.events.BrazeSdkAuthenticationErrorEvent
Error code describing the cause of the signature authentication failure.
- getErrorReason() - Method in class com.appboy.events.BrazeSdkAuthenticationErrorEvent
Human-readable cause of the signature authentication failure.
- getEventType() - Method in class com.appboy.events.SessionStateChangedEvent
- getExpirationTimestamp() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Get the UTC timestamp at which this message expires and will not be displayed.
- getExpirationTimestamp() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getExpiresAt() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
Gets the expiration date of the card.
- getExtras() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- getExtras() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.actions.NewsfeedAction
- getExtras() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.actions.UriAction
- getExtras() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the extras on this in-app message as a map
of key value pairs.
- getExtras() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getFeedCardClickActionListener() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.AppboyFeedManager
- getFeedCards() - Method in class com.appboy.events.FeedUpdatedEvent
Guaranteed to not be null and to not include any null values in the list.
- getFeedCards(CardCategory) - Method in class com.appboy.events.FeedUpdatedEvent
- getFeedCards(EnumSet<CardCategory>) - Method in class com.appboy.events.FeedUpdatedEvent
Returns a list of cards where each card belongs to at least one of the given categories.
- getFeedKey() - Method in enum com.appboy.enums.CardKey
- getFirebaseCloudMessagingSenderIdKey() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
Gets the sender ID key used to register for Firebase Cloud Messaging.
- getFormat() - Method in enum com.braze.enums.BrazeDateFormat
- getFrameColor() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Gets the frame color for this in-app message.
- getFrameColor() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- getFrameView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- getFrameView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- getFrameView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageModalView
- getGraphicModalMaxHeightDp() - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.config.BrazeInAppMessageParams
- getGraphicModalMaxWidthDp() - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.config.BrazeInAppMessageParams
- getHandlePushDeepLinksAutomatically() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getHeader() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Gets the header text on this in-app message.
- getHeader() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- getHeaderTextAlign() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Get the text alignment for the header text.
- getHeaderTextAlign() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- getHeaderTextColor() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Gets the header text color on this in-app message.
- getHeaderTextColor() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- getHeightDp() - Method in enum com.braze.enums.BrazeViewBounds
Gets the height of the view in dp.
- getHtmlInAppMessageActionListener() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- getHtmlInAppMessageAssetCacheDirectory(Context) - Static method in class com.braze.support.WebContentUtils
Return the Braze html in-app message asset cache directory.
- getHtmlSpannedTextIfEnabled(BrazeConfigurationProvider, String) - Static method in class com.braze.push.support.HtmlUtils
- getIcon() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the Font Awesome icon on this in-app message.
- getIcon() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getIconBackgroundColor() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the icon background color on this in-app message.
- getIconBackgroundColor() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getIconColor() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the icon color on this in-app message.
- getIconColor() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getId() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- getId() - Method in class com.braze.models.BrazeGeofence
- getId() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- getImageDownloadSuccessful() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageWithImage
Returns the status of the image download on this in-app message.
- getImageDownloadSuccessful() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- getImageLoader() - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getImageLoader() - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
- getImageLoaderCacheSize() - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeImageUtils
Gets the size in bytes to give the image loader's cache.
- getImageStyle() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Get the image style on this in-app message.
- getImageStyle() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- getImageUrl() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.BannerImageCard
- getImageUrl() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.CaptionedImageCard
- getImageUrl() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.ShortNewsCard
- getImageUrl() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageWithImage
Gets the image url on this in-app message.
- getImageUrl() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- getImpressedCardIds() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.adapters.ContentCardAdapter
- getInAppMessage() - Method in class com.braze.events.InAppMessageEvent
Guaranteed to not be null.
- getInAppMessage() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper
- getInAppMessage() - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.IInAppMessageViewWrapper
- getInAppMessageAnimationFactory() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- getInAppMessageBitmapFromUrl(Context, IInAppMessage, String, BrazeViewBounds) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboyImageLoader
Attempts to retrieve the bitmap representing the imageUrl's image from the imageLoader's caches.
- getInAppMessageBitmapFromUrl(Context, IInAppMessage, String, BrazeViewBounds) - Method in class com.appboy.lrucache.AppboyLruImageLoader
- getInAppMessageManagerListener() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- getInAppMessageStack() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.BrazeInAppMessageManager
The stack of In-App Messages waiting to be displayed.
- getInAppMessageView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper
- getInAppMessageView() - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.IInAppMessageViewWrapper
- getInAppMessageViewFactory(IInAppMessage) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- getInAppMessageViewWrapperFactory() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- getInAppMessageWebViewClientOnPageFinishedMaxWaitMs() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getInlineImageStyle(BrazeNotificationPayload, NotificationCompat.Builder) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationStyleFactory
This method sets a fully custom RemoteViews.RemoteView
to render the
- getInstallTrackingId() - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getInstallTrackingId() - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
- getInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
Static method that returns the Appboy singleton.
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.AppboyFeedManager
- getInstance(Context) - Static method in class com.braze.Braze
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationFactory
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.managers.BrazeContentCardsManager
- getInstance() - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.BrazeInAppMessageManager
- getIntentArrayWithConfiguredBackStack(Context, Bundle, Intent, BrazeConfigurationProvider) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.actions.UriAction
Gets an Intent
array that has the configured back stack functionality.
- getIntentFlags(IAppboyNavigator.IntentFlagPurpose) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboyNavigator
Get the flag mask used for Intent.setFlags(int)
on the Intent usage.
- getIntentFlags(IAppboyNavigator.IntentFlagPurpose) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyNavigator
- getIntValue(String, int) - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.CachedConfigurationProvider
- getIntValue(String, int) - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.RuntimeAppConfigurationProvider
- getIsAnimatingClose() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper
- getIsAnimatingClose() - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.IInAppMessageViewWrapper
- getIsAutomaticGeofenceRequestsEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsCurrentlyDisplayingInAppMessage() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.BrazeInAppMessageManager
Gets whether an in-app message is currently displaying on the device.
- getIsDeviceObjectAllowlistEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsDeviceObjectWhitelistEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsDismissibleByUser() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- getIsFirebaseMessagingServiceOnNewTokenRegistrationEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
Determines whether the Braze will automatically register tokens in
- getIsGeofencesEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsInAppMessageAccessibilityExclusiveModeEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsInAppMessageTestPushEagerDisplayEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsNewsfeedVisualIndicatorOn() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsPinned() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- getIsPushDeepLinkBackStackActivityEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsPushNotificationHtmlRenderingEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsPushWakeScreenForNotificationEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsSdkAuthenticationEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsSessionStartBasedTimeoutEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getIsTouchModeRequiredForHtmlInAppMessages() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getItemCount() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.adapters.ContentCardAdapter
- getItemCount() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.adapters.EmptyContentCardsAdapter
- getItemId(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.adapters.ContentCardAdapter
- getItemOffsets(Rect, View, RecyclerView, RecyclerView.State) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.recycler.ContentCardsDividerItemDecoration
- getItemViewType(int) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.adapters.AppboyListAdapter
- getItemViewType(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.adapters.ContentCardAdapter
- getItemViewType(Context, List<Card>, int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.handlers.DefaultContentCardsViewBindingHandler
- getItemViewType(Context, List<Card>, int) - Method in interface com.braze.ui.contentcards.handlers.IContentCardsViewBindingHandler
Returns the view type of the item at the given position for the purposes of view recycling purposes.
- getKey(CardKey) - Method in class com.appboy.enums.CardKey.Provider
- getKey() - Method in enum com.appboy.enums.DeviceKey
- getLargeIcon() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getLargeNotificationIconResourceId() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getLastUpdatedInSecondsFromEpoch() - Method in class com.braze.events.ContentCardsUpdatedEvent
- getLatitude() - Method in class com.braze.models.BrazeGeofence
- getLayoutParams(IInAppMessage) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper
- getLayoutResource() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.view.BaseFeedCardView
- getLayoutResource() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.BannerImageCardView
- getLayoutResource() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.CaptionedImageCardView
- getLayoutResource() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.DefaultCardView
- getLayoutResource() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.ShortNewsCardView
- getLayoutResource() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.TextAnnouncementCardView
- getLocalAssetsDirectoryUrl() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageHtml
Gets the local URL of the assets.
- getLocalAssetsDirectoryUrl() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtmlBase
- getLocalHtmlUrlFromRemoteUrl(File, String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.WebContentUtils
Takes a remote url pointing to zip file assets and then downloads them into a local directory.
- getLocalImageUrl() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageWithImage
Gets the local image url on this in-app message.
- getLocalImageUrl() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- getLocalPrefetchedAssetPaths() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
- getLocalPrefetchedAssetPaths() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
Note that this class does not have an implementation for this method.
- getLocalPrefetchedAssetPaths() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtml
- getLoggerInitialLogLevel() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
Gets the value for the initial log level.
- getLogLevel() - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
Gets the log level used for logging messages from the Braze SDK.
- getLongEdge() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- getLongitude() - Method in class com.braze.models.BrazeGeofence
- getMainActivityIntent(Context, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.UriUtils
- getMaxSafeBottomInset(WindowInsetsCompat) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils
- getMaxSafeLeftInset(WindowInsetsCompat) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils
- getMaxSafeRightInset(WindowInsetsCompat) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils
- getMaxSafeTopInset(WindowInsetsCompat) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils
- getMd5Hash(String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.StringUtils
Calculates the MD5 hash for some text.
- getMessage() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ConversationMessage
- getMessage() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the message text on this in-app message.
- getMessage() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getMessageBackgroundObject() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- getMessageBackgroundObject() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- getMessageBackgroundObject() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageModalView
- getMessageBackgroundObject() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageSlideupView
- getMessageButtons() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Gets the message buttons for this in-app message.
- getMessageButtons() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- getMessageButtonViews(int) - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.IInAppMessageImmersiveView
Gets the message button Views so that Braze can add click listeners to them.
- getMessageButtonViews(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- getMessageButtonViews(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- getMessageButtonViews(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageModalView
- getMessageChevronView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageSlideupView
- getMessageClickableView() - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.IInAppMessageView
Gets the clickable portion of the in-app message so that Braze can add click listeners to it.
- getMessageClickableView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- getMessageClickableView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- getMessageClickableView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlBaseView
- getMessageClickableView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageModalView
- getMessageCloseButtonView() - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.IInAppMessageImmersiveView
Gets the close button View so that Braze can add click listeners to it.
- getMessageCloseButtonView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- getMessageCloseButtonView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageModalView
- getMessageFields() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtml
- getMessageHeaderTextView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- getMessageHeaderTextView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- getMessageHeaderTextView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageModalView
- getMessageIconView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- getMessageIconView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- getMessageIconView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageModalView
- getMessageIconView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageSlideupView
- getMessageImageView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- getMessageImageView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- getMessageImageView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageModalView
- getMessageImageView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageSlideupView
- getMessageTextAlign() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Get the text alignment for the message text.
- getMessageTextAlign() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getMessageTextColor() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the message text color on this in-app message.
- getMessageTextColor() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getMessageTextView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- getMessageTextView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- getMessageTextView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- getMessageTextView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageModalView
- getMessageTextView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageSlideupView
- getMessageType() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
- getMessageType() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageControl
- getMessageType() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageFull
- getMessageType() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtml
- getMessageType() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtmlFull
- getMessageType() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageModal
- getMessageType() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageSlideup
- getMessageWebView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlBaseView
- getModalizedImageRadiusDp() - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.config.BrazeInAppMessageParams
- getMonth(int) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.Month
This is a static method that takes an integer and returns the corresponding month of the year.
- getMovementFlags(RecyclerView, RecyclerView.ViewHolder) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.recycler.SimpleItemTouchHelperCallback
- getName() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ConversationPerson
- getNetworkExceptionMessage() - Method in class com.appboy.events.BrazeNetworkFailureEvent
- getNetworkUnavailableRunnable() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.ContentCardsFragment
- getNotificationBadgeNumber() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getNotificationCategory() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getNotificationChannelId() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getNotificationExtras() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getNotificationId(Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- getNotificationId(BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Returns an id for the new notification we'll send to the notification center.
- getNotificationPriority(Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
This method will retrieve notification priority from notificationExtras bundle if it has been set.
- getNotificationReceivedTimestampMillis() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getNotificationReceiverClass() - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- getNotificationSound() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getNotificationStyle(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationStyleFactory
Returns a big style NotificationCompat.Style.
- getNotificationVisibility() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getOpeningAnimation(IInAppMessage) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.factories.DefaultInAppMessageAnimationFactory
- getOpeningAnimation(IInAppMessage) - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.IInAppMessageAnimationFactory
This method returns the animation that will be used to animate the message as it enters the screen.
- getOpenUriInWebView() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- getOpenUriInWebView() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Whether to use AppboyWebViewActivity to open deep links from this in-app message.
- getOpenUriInWebView() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getOpenUriInWebview() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- getOptionalString(JSONObject, String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.JsonUtils
Returns the string value for key, or
null if the key is not mapped in the object.
- getOrCreateNotificationChannelId(BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Returns the channel id for a valid NotificationChannel
, creating one if necessary.
- getOrCreateNotificationChannelId(Context, BrazeConfigurationProvider, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- getOrientation() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the preferred screen orientation for this in-app message.
- getOrientation() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getOutboundNetworkRequestsOffline() - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getParentViewGroup(Activity) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper
Gets the ViewGroup
which will display the in-app message.
- getPerson() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ConversationPerson
- getPersonId() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ConversationMessage
- getPersonId() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ConversationPerson
- getPixelsFromDensityAndDp(int, int) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeImageUtils
- getPrettyPrintedString(JSONObject) - Static method in class com.braze.support.JsonUtils
Returns the JSONObject.toString(int)
result if possible.
- getPrettyPrintedString(JSONArray) - Static method in class com.braze.support.JsonUtils
Returns the JSONArray.toString(int)
result if possible.
- getProperViewFromInflatedStub(int) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.view.BaseFeedCardView
Gets the view to display the correct card image.
- getPublicNotificationExtras() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getPushBitmapFromUrl(Context, Bundle, String, BrazeViewBounds) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboyImageLoader
Attempts to retrieve the bitmap representing the imageUrl's image from the imageLoader's caches.
- getPushBitmapFromUrl(Context, Bundle, String, BrazeViewBounds) - Method in class com.appboy.lrucache.AppboyLruImageLoader
- getPushDeepLinkBackStackActivityClassName() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getPushDuration() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getPushStoryGravityAtIndex(int, Bundle, String) - Static method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getPushStoryPageIndex() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getPushStoryPages() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getQueryParameters(Uri) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.UriUtils
Parses the query part of the uri and returns a mapping of the query keys to the
- getRadiusMeters() - Method in class com.braze.models.BrazeGeofence
- getReadIcon() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.AppboyImageSwitcher
- getRegisteredPushToken() - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getRegisteredPushToken() - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
- getRemoteAssetPathsForPrefetch() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Returns a path to remote assets that can be pre-fetched.
- getRemoteAssetPathsForPrefetch() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getRemoteAssetPathsForPrefetch() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtml
- getRemoteAssetPathsForPrefetch() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- getRemoteAssetPathsForPrefetch() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageZippedAssetHtmlBase
- getRemoteImageUrl() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageWithImage
Gets the remote image url on this in-app message.
- getRemoteImageUrl() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- getRequestCode() - Static method in class com.braze.support.IntentUtils
Returns a random request code for this intent.
- getRequestInitiationTime() - Method in class com.appboy.events.BrazeNetworkFailureEvent
- getRequestInitiationTime() - Method in class com.appboy.events.BrazeSdkAuthenticationErrorEvent
Returns the unix timestamp (in seconds) of the request.
- getRequestType() - Method in class com.appboy.events.BrazeNetworkFailureEvent
- getResourcePackageName(Context) - Static method in class com.appboy.support.PackageUtils
Utility method for getting the resource package name; returns the value set in
setResourcePackageName, or context.getPackageName() if no custom value has been
- getSdkEnablementProvider(Context) - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- getSdkFlavor() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getServerKeyFromCardType(CardType) - Method in class com.appboy.enums.CardKey.Provider
Returns the server key for the
, or null if the server key cannot be found.
- getSessionId() - Method in class com.appboy.events.SessionStateChangedEvent
- getSessionTimeoutSeconds() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getShortEdge() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- getSignature() - Method in class com.appboy.events.BrazeSdkAuthenticationErrorEvent
The signature present on the request that failed.
- getSlideFrom() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageSlideup
- getSmallNotificationIconResourceId() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getSortEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyFeedFragment
- getStorageMap() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.RuntimeAppConfigurationProvider
- getStoryPageId() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- getStoryStyle(Context, Bundle, Bundle, NotificationCompat.Builder) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationStyleFactory
- getStoryStyle(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationStyleFactory
Returns a androidx.core.app.NotificationCompat.DecoratedCustomViewStyle
for push story.
- getStringSetValue(String, Set<String>) - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.CachedConfigurationProvider
- getStringSetValue(String, Set<String>) - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.RuntimeAppConfigurationProvider
- getStringValue(String, String) - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.CachedConfigurationProvider
- getStringValue(String, String) - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.RuntimeAppConfigurationProvider
- getSubtitle() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- getSubtitleGravity() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- getSummaryText() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getTemplateFieldAtIndex(int, Bundle, String) - Static method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
Returns the value for the given template field key at the specified index.
- getTemplateFieldAtIndex(int, Bundle, String, String) - Static method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
Returns the value for the given template field key at the specified index.
- getTemplateFieldAtIndex(int, Bundle, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
Returns the boolean value for the given template field key at the specified index.
- getTemplateFieldAtIndex(int, Bundle, String, long) - Static method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
Returns the boolean value for the given template field key at the specified index.
- getText() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- getText() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- getTextColor() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- getTimeFromEpochInSeconds(Date) - Static method in class com.braze.support.DateTimeUtils
- getTimestamp() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ConversationMessage
- getTitle() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.CaptionedImageCard
- getTitle() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.ShortNewsCard
- getTitle() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.TextAnnouncementCard
- getTitle() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- getTitleGravity() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- getTitleText() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- getTriggerActionMinimumTimeIntervalInSeconds() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getType() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- getUnreadCardCount() - Method in class com.appboy.events.FeedUpdatedEvent
The number of unread cards in the feed.
- getUnreadCardCount(CardCategory) - Method in class com.appboy.events.FeedUpdatedEvent
- getUnreadCardCount(EnumSet<CardCategory>) - Method in class com.appboy.events.FeedUpdatedEvent
- getUnReadIcon() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.AppboyImageSwitcher
- getUnregisteredInAppMessage() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.BrazeInAppMessageManager
- getUnviewedCardCount() - Method in class com.braze.events.ContentCardsUpdatedEvent
- getUpdated() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- getUri() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- getUri() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ConversationPerson
- getUri() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.actions.UriAction
- getUri() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets the URI on this in-app message.
- getUri() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- getUri() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- getUriActionForCard(Card) - Static method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.BaseCardView
- getUrl() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.BannerImageCard
- getUrl() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.CaptionedImageCard
- getUrl() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- getUrl() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.ShortNewsCard
- getUrl() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.TextAnnouncementCard
- getUser() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageJavascriptInterface
- getUserId() - Method in class com.appboy.events.BrazeSdkAuthenticationErrorEvent
The external user id on the failed request.
- getUserId() - Method in class com.appboy.events.FeedUpdatedEvent
- getUserId() - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Returns the currently tracked user id.
- getUserId() - Method in class com.braze.events.ContentCardsUpdatedEvent
- getUserId() - Method in class com.braze.events.InAppMessageEvent
- getUseWebview() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- getUseWebview() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- getUseWebView() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.actions.UriAction
- getValue() - Method in enum com.appboy.enums.CardType
- getValue() - Method in enum com.appboy.enums.Month
- getVersionCode() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- getView(int, View, ViewGroup) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.adapters.AppboyListAdapter
Always try to use a convert view if possible, otherwise create one from scratch.
- getViewed() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- getViewTypeCount() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.adapters.AppboyListAdapter
Be sure to keep view count in sync with the number of card types in the stream.
- getWebViewActivityIntent(Context, Uri, Bundle) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.actions.UriAction
- getWebViewViewId() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlBaseView
- getWebViewViewId() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlFullView
- getWebViewViewId() - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlView
- getWidthDp() - Method in enum com.braze.enums.BrazeViewBounds
Gets the width of the view in dp.
- gotoNewsFeed(Context, NewsfeedAction) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboyNavigator
This delegate method will be called when Braze wants to display the news feed.
- gotoNewsFeed(Context, NewsfeedAction) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyNavigator
- gotoUri(Context, UriAction) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboyNavigator
This delegate method will be called when Braze wants to navigate to a particular URI.
- gotoUri(Context, UriAction) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyNavigator
- GRAPHIC_MODAL_MAX_HEIGHT_DP - Static variable in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.config.BrazeInAppMessageParams
- GRAPHIC_MODAL_MAX_WIDTH_DP - Static variable in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.config.BrazeInAppMessageParams
- i(String, String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
- i(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
- i(String, String, boolean) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
Logs made with this method do not call the TestUserDeviceLoggingManager
with the log contents.
- i(String, String, Throwable, boolean) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
Logs made with this method do not call the TestUserDeviceLoggingManager
with the log contents.
- IAction - Interface in com.appboy.ui.actions
- IAppboy - Interface in com.appboy
The public interface for the Braze SDK.
- IAppboyEndpointProvider - Interface in com.appboy
- IAppboyImageLoader - Interface in com.appboy
- IAppboyNavigator - Interface in com.appboy
This class defines the actions that should be taken when Braze attempts to follow a deeplink.
- IAppboyNavigator.IntentFlagPurpose - Enum in com.appboy
- IAppboyNotificationFactory - Interface in com.appboy
- IBraze - Interface in com.braze
- IBrazeImageLoader - Interface in com.braze.images
- IBrazeNotificationFactory - Interface in com.braze
- ICardStorageProvider<T> - Interface in com.braze.storage
- IContentCardsActionListener - Interface in com.braze.ui.contentcards.listeners
receives the ContentCard when a user action such as
clicking or dismissal is performed and gives the host app the ability to override
Braze's default procedure for the user action.
- IContentCardsUpdateHandler - Interface in com.braze.ui.contentcards.handlers
An interface to handle card updates for the ContentCards.
- IContentCardsViewBindingHandler - Interface in com.braze.ui.contentcards.handlers
- IEventSubscriber<T> - Interface in com.appboy.events
- IFeedClickActionListener - Interface in com.appboy.ui.feed.listeners
The IFeedClickActionListener receives the news feed card when a
news feed click action is performed and gives the host app the ability to
override Appboy's default procedure when handling news feed card clicks.
- IHtmlInAppMessageActionListener - Interface in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.listeners
- IHtmlInAppMessageActionListener - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.listeners
allows for the overriding of the default Braze display handling
and setting custom behavior during the display of HTML In-App Messages.
- IInAppMessage - Interface in com.braze.models.inappmessage
InAppMessageBase is the base model interface for all in-app messages.
- IInAppMessageAnimationFactory - Interface in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage
- IInAppMessageAnimationFactory - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage
- IInAppMessageHtml - Interface in com.braze.models.inappmessage
IInAppMessageHtml is the base model interface for all Html In-App Messages.
- IInAppMessageImageView - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
IInAppMessageImageView is a unifying interface for View
that hold in-app message images, defining the required radius and cropping behavior for in-app
messages images.
- IInAppMessageImmersive - Interface in com.braze.models.inappmessage
InAppMessageBase is the base model interface for all immersive in-app messages.
- IInAppMessageImmersiveView - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
- IInAppMessageManagerListener - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.listeners
The IInAppMessageManagerListener returns the in-app message at specific
events in its control flow and gives the host app the option of
overriding Braze's default display handling and implementing its own custom behavior.
- IInAppMessageThemeable - Interface in com.braze.models.inappmessage
- IInAppMessageView - Interface in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage
- IInAppMessageView - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
- IInAppMessageViewFactory - Interface in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage
- IInAppMessageViewFactory - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage
- IInAppMessageViewLifecycleListener - Interface in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.listeners
- IInAppMessageViewLifecycleListener - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.listeners
IInAppMessageViewLifecycleListener returns the in-app message at specific events
in its display lifecycle for potential further processing, modification, and logging.
- IInAppMessageViewWrapper - Interface in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage
- IInAppMessageViewWrapper - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage
- IInAppMessageViewWrapperFactory - Interface in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage
- IInAppMessageViewWrapperFactory - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage
- IInAppMessageWebViewClientListener - Interface in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.listeners
- IInAppMessageWebViewClientListener - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.listeners
- IInAppMessageWithImage - Interface in com.braze.models.inappmessage
- IInAppMessageZippedAssetHtml - Interface in com.braze.models.inappmessage
This is the base model interface for all Html In-App Messages with ZIP file backed assets.
- ImageStyle - Enum in com.braze.enums.inappmessage
Controls the location of images on in-app messages.
- IN_APP_MESSAGE_ACCESSIBILITY_EXCLUSIVE_MODE_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- IN_APP_MESSAGE_PUSH_TEST_EAGER_DISPLAY - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- IN_APP_MESSAGE_WEBVIEW_CLIENT_MAX_ONPAGEFINISHED_WAIT_KEY - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- INAPP_MESSAGE_DURATION_DEFAULT_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- INAPP_MESSAGE_DURATION_MIN_MILLIS - Static variable in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- InAppMessageBase - Class in com.braze.models.inappmessage
- InAppMessageBase() - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- InAppMessageBase(JSONObject, IBrazeManager) - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- InAppMessageBaseView - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageBaseView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- InAppMessageBoundedLayout - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
A RelativeLayout
that respects maximum/minimum dimension bounds.
- InAppMessageBoundedLayout(Context) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBoundedLayout
- InAppMessageBoundedLayout(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBoundedLayout
- InAppMessageButton - Class in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageButton(Context) - Constructor for class com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageButton
- InAppMessageButton(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageButton
- InAppMessageButton(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageButton
- InAppMessageButton - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageButton(Context) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageButton
- InAppMessageButton(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageButton
- InAppMessageButton(Context, AttributeSet, int) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageButton
- InAppMessageButtonViewUtils - Class in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageButtonViewUtils() - Constructor for class com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageButtonViewUtils
- InAppMessageButtonViewUtils - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils
- InAppMessageButtonViewUtils() - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageButtonViewUtils
- InAppMessageCloser - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage
A delegate method class used to close the currently displayed in-app message.
- InAppMessageCloser(IInAppMessageViewWrapper) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageCloser
- InAppMessageControl - Class in com.braze.models.inappmessage
If the user is enrolled in the control group of an in-app message campaign, an
should be instantiated.
- InAppMessageControl(JSONObject, IBrazeManager) - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageControl
- InAppMessageEvent - Class in com.braze.events
When Braze receives a new in-app message in a server response, this event is fired.
- InAppMessageEvent(IInAppMessage, String) - Constructor for class com.braze.events.InAppMessageEvent
- InAppMessageFailureType - Enum in com.braze.enums.inappmessage
- InAppMessageFull - Class in com.braze.models.inappmessage
- InAppMessageFull() - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageFull
- InAppMessageFull(JSONObject, IBrazeManager) - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageFull
- InAppMessageFullView - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageFullView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- InAppMessageHtml - Class in com.braze.models.inappmessage
that renders HTML without a corresponding zip file asset.
- InAppMessageHtml() - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtml
- InAppMessageHtml(JSONObject, IBrazeManager) - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtml
- InAppMessageHtmlBase - Class in com.braze.models.inappmessage
- InAppMessageHtmlBase() - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtmlBase
- InAppMessageHtmlBase(JSONObject, IBrazeManager) - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtmlBase
- InAppMessageHtmlBaseView - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageHtmlBaseView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlBaseView
- InAppMessageHtmlFull - Class in com.braze.models.inappmessage
- InAppMessageHtmlFull() - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtmlFull
- InAppMessageHtmlFull(JSONObject, IBrazeManager) - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtmlFull
- InAppMessageHtmlFullView - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageHtmlFullView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlFullView
- InAppMessageHtmlView - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageHtmlView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlView
- InAppMessageImageView - Class in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageImageView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImageView
- InAppMessageImageView - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
Extends ImageView with the ability to clip the view's corners by a defined radius on all image
- InAppMessageImageView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImageView
- InAppMessageImmersiveBase - Class in com.braze.models.inappmessage
- InAppMessageImmersiveBase() - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- InAppMessageImmersiveBase(JSONObject, IBrazeManager) - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- InAppMessageJavascriptInterface - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface
Used to generate the javascript API in html in-app messages.
- InAppMessageJavascriptInterface(Context, IInAppMessageHtml) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageJavascriptInterface
- InAppMessageManagerBase - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage
- InAppMessageManagerBase() - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- InAppMessageModal - Class in com.braze.models.inappmessage
- InAppMessageModal() - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageModal
- InAppMessageModal(JSONObject, IBrazeManager) - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageModal
- InAppMessageModalView - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageModalView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageModalView
- InAppMessageOperation - Enum in com.braze.ui.inappmessage
- InAppMessageSlideup - Class in com.braze.models.inappmessage
InAppMessageSlideup is the model for slideup type in-app messages.
- InAppMessageSlideup() - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageSlideup
- InAppMessageSlideup(JSONObject, IBrazeManager) - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageSlideup
- InAppMessageSlideupView - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageSlideupView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageSlideupView
- InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface
- InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface(Context) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- InAppMessageViewUtils - Class in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views
- InAppMessageViewUtils() - Constructor for class com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageViewUtils
- InAppMessageViewUtils - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils
- InAppMessageViewUtils() - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageViewUtils
- InAppMessageWebView - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views
WebView embedded in Braze html in-app messages.
- InAppMessageWebView(Context, AttributeSet) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageWebView
- InAppMessageWebViewClient - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils
- InAppMessageWebViewClient(Context, IInAppMessage, IInAppMessageWebViewClientListener) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageWebViewClient
- InAppMessageWithImageBase - Class in com.braze.models.inappmessage
- InAppMessageWithImageBase() - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- InAppMessageWithImageBase(JSONObject, IBrazeManager) - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- InAppMessageZippedAssetHtmlBase - Class in com.braze.models.inappmessage
- InAppMessageZippedAssetHtmlBase() - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageZippedAssetHtmlBase
- InAppMessageZippedAssetHtmlBase(JSONObject, IBrazeManager) - Constructor for class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageZippedAssetHtmlBase
- incrementCustomUserAttribute(String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Increments the value of an custom attribute by one.
- incrementCustomUserAttribute(String, int) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Increments the value of an custom attribute by a given amount.
- incrementCustomUserAttribute(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- initializeRecyclerView() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.ContentCardsFragment
- IntentUtils - Class in com.appboy.support
- IntentUtils() - Constructor for class com.appboy.support.IntentUtils
- IntentUtils - Class in com.braze.support
- IntentUtils() - Constructor for class com.braze.support.IntentUtils
- IPutIntoJson<T> - Interface in com.braze.models
- IS_AMAZON - Static variable in class com.appboy.Constants
- IS_CONTROL - Static variable in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- isActivityRegisteredInManifest(Context, String) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.UriUtils
- isAdmMessagingRegistrationEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- isAppboyPushMessage(Intent) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Checks the incoming FCM/ADM intent to determine whether this is a Braze push message.
- isBlank(String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.StringUtils
Checks if the string is empty or only contains whitespace characters.
- isBot() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ConversationPerson
- isBrazePushNotification(RemoteMessage) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeFirebaseMessagingService
- isClicked() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
Gets the clicked state of this card.
- isClickHandled(Context, Card, IAction) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.view.BaseFeedCardView
- isClickHandled(Context, Card, IAction) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.BaseCardView
Calls the corresponding card manager to see if the action listener has handled the click.
- isClickHandled(Context, Card, IAction) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.view.BaseContentCardView
- isContentCard() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- isContentCardProvider() - Method in class com.appboy.enums.CardKey.Provider
- isContentCardsUnreadVisualIndicatorEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
Gets whether the Content Cards unread visual indication bar is enabled.
- isControl() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
Returns whether this card is a control card.
- isControl() - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Gets whether this in-app message is a control for multivariate testing.
- isControl() - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- isControlCardAtPosition(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.adapters.ContentCardAdapter
Returns whether the card at the adapter position is a control card.
- isConversationalPush() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- isCurrentOrientationValid(int, Orientation) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils
- isDeviceInNightMode(Context) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils
Checks if the device is in night mode.
- isDeviceNotInTouchMode(View) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils
Detects if this device is currently in touch mode given a View
- isDismissed() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- isEmpty() - Method in class com.braze.events.ContentCardsUpdatedEvent
- isEqualToCard(Card) - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- isExpired() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- isFirebaseCloudMessagingRegistrationEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
Gets whether the SDK is configured to automatically register for Firebase Cloud Messaging.
- isFromOfflineStorage() - Method in class com.appboy.events.FeedUpdatedEvent
- isFromOfflineStorage() - Method in class com.braze.events.ContentCardsUpdatedEvent
- isImportant() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ConversationPerson
- isInAppMessageTestPush(Intent) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Checks if a push Intent
contains extras found in a test push for in-app messages.
- isInCategorySet(EnumSet<CardCategory>) - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- isIndicatorHighlighted() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
Gets whether the visual indicator at the bottom of the card is highlighted.
- isInlineImagePush() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- isInvalid() - Method in class com.appboy.models.outgoing.AppboyProperties
- isItemDismissable(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.adapters.ContentCardAdapter
- isItemDismissable(int) - Method in interface com.braze.ui.contentcards.recycler.ItemTouchHelperAdapter
- isItemViewSwipeEnabled() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.recycler.SimpleItemTouchHelperCallback
- isLocalUri(Uri) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeFileUtils
- isLocationCollectionEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- isLongPressDragEnabled() - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.recycler.SimpleItemTouchHelperCallback
- isNotificationMessage(Intent) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Checks the intent received from FCM to determine whether this is a notification message or a
silent push.
- isNullOrBlank(String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.StringUtils
Checks if the string is null or only contains whitespace characters.
- isNullOrEmpty(String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.StringUtils
Checks if the string is null or has a length of 0.
- isPushStory() - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- isRead() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- isRemoteUri(Uri) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeFileUtils
- isRemoved() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- isRunningOnTablet(Activity) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils
- isTest() - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- isTimestampOlderThan(long) - Method in class com.braze.events.ContentCardsUpdatedEvent
- isUninstallTrackingPush(Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Returns true if the bundle is from a push sent by Braze for uninstall tracking.
- isUnreadIndicatorEnabled() - Method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.BaseCardView
- isValidEmailAddress(String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.ValidationUtils
Validates an email address.
- isValidLocation(double, double) - Static method in class com.braze.support.ValidationUtils
- isValidLogCustomEventInput(String, ServerConfigStorageProvider) - Static method in class com.braze.support.ValidationUtils
Validates the event name for the custom event.
- isValidLogPurchaseInput(String, String, BigDecimal, int, ServerConfigStorageProvider) - Static method in class com.braze.support.ValidationUtils
Validates the log purchase event parameters.
- isValidNotificationVisibility(int) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Checks whether the given integer value is a valid Android notification visibility constant.
- isValidPhoneNumber(String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.ValidationUtils
Performs basic validation on input string.
- isValidPushStoryClickInput(String, String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.ValidationUtils
Validates the campaign id and page id for the push story click.
- isValidTimeZone(String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.DateTimeUtils
Helper method to determine if a timeZoneId is valid
- ItemTouchHelperAdapter - Interface in com.braze.ui.contentcards.recycler
- IValueCallback<T> - Interface in com.appboy.events
- IWebViewClientStateListener - Interface in com.appboy.ui.inappmessage.listeners
- IWebViewClientStateListener - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.listeners
- safeSetClipToOutline(ImageView) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.view.BaseContentCardView
- sAppboyEndpointProvider - Static variable in class com.appboy.Appboy
- sBrazeEndpointProviderLock - Static variable in class com.appboy.Appboy
- sCustomNotificationFactory - Static variable in class com.appboy.Appboy
- SDK_AUTH_ENABLED - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- SDK_FLAVOR - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- SdkDataWipeEvent - Class in com.braze.events
Event fired when SDK data has been wiped and external
caches of messages (such as Content Cards, In-App Messages, etc.)
should be cleared.
- SdkDataWipeEvent() - Constructor for class com.braze.events.SdkDataWipeEvent
- SdkFlavor - Enum in com.appboy.enums
- sendPushMessageReceivedBroadcast(Context, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Creates and sends a broadcast message that can be listened for by the host app.
- SERVER_TARGET_KEY - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- SESSION_START_BASED_TIMEOUT_ENABLED_KEY - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- SESSION_TIMEOUT_KEY - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- SessionStateChangedEvent - Class in com.appboy.events
- SessionStateChangedEvent(String, SessionStateChangedEvent.ChangeType) - Constructor for class com.appboy.events.SessionStateChangedEvent
- SessionStateChangedEvent.ChangeType - Enum in com.appboy.events
- setAccentColor(Integer) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setAccentColorIfPresentAndSupported(BrazeConfigurationProvider, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setAccentColorIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Set accent color for devices on Lollipop and above.
- setActionButtons(List<BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton>) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setActionHintText(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.view.ContentCardViewHolder
Sets the action hint text.
- setActionHintVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.view.ContentCardViewHolder
Sets the action hint to View.VISIBLE
when true, or View.GONE
- setActionId(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- setActionIndex(int) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- setActionIndex(int) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- setActivityRequestedOrientation(Activity, int) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils
Safely calls Activity.setRequestedOrientation(int)
- setAdmMessagingRegistrationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Enables automatic registration for Amazon Device Messaging.
- setAllViewGroupChildrenAsNonAccessibilityImportant(ViewGroup, Map<Integer, Integer>) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper
Sets all View
children of the ViewGroup
- setAndStartAnimation(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.DefaultInAppMessageViewWrapper
Instantiates and executes the correct animation for the current in-app message.
- setAnimateIn(boolean) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets whether this in-app message will animate in or
appear suddenly.
- setAnimateIn(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setAnimateOut(boolean) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets whether this in-app message will animate out or
disappear suddenly.
- setAnimateOut(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setAnimationParams(Animation, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.AnimationUtils
Sets duration and interpolator for the given Animation object.
- setApiKey(String) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the API key.
- setAppboyConfigurationProvider(AppboyConfigurationProvider) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setAppboyEndpointProvider(IAppboyEndpointProvider) - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
Sets an
to be used to route Braze API traffic
Note that if a custom endpoint is specified using BrazeConfig.Builder#setCustomEndpoint(String)
or via braze.xml configuration, any IAppboyEndpointProvider
previously set
using this method will be overridden when the Appboy singleton initializes.
- setAppboyExtras(Bundle) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setAppboyImageLoader(IAppboyImageLoader) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- setAppboyImageLoader(IAppboyImageLoader) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
- setAppboyManagerAndSyncPolicyOffline(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
Sets the AppboyManager and sync policy to match the isOffline value.
- setAppboyNavigator(IAppboyNavigator) - Static method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyNavigator
Sets the class that defines the actions that should be taken when Braze attempts to display the news
feed or open a URI from an in-app message.
- setAspectRatio(float) - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.IInAppMessageImageView
- setAspectRatio(float) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImageView
- setAssetsZipRemoteUrl(String) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageZippedAssetHtml
Sets the remote URL of the assets zip file.
- setAssetsZipRemoteUrl(String) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageZippedAssetHtmlBase
- setAssetUrls(List<String>) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtml
Sets the list of asset urls associated with this message for prefetch.
- setAttributionData(AttributionData) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets attribution information for the user.
- setAutomaticGeofenceRequestsEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets whether Braze Geofences are automatically requested
by the Braze SDK.
- setAvatarImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the Avatar image of the user which will be displayed on the user's profile on the dashboard.
- setBackButtonDismissesInAppMessageView(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
Sets whether the hardware back button dismisses in-app messages.
- setBackgroundColor(int) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the background color on this in-app message.
- setBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- setBadNetworkDataFlushInterval(int) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the data flush interval on poor connections.
- setBigImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setBigSummaryText(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setBigTitleText(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setBitmap(Bitmap) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageWithImage
Explicitly sets the bitmap on this in-app message.
- setBitmap(Bitmap) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- setBitmapUrl(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- setBorderColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- setButtons(List<View>, List<MessageButton>) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageButtonViewUtils
Sets the appropriate colors for the button text, background, and border.
- setCard(T) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.view.BaseFeedCardView
- setCardViewedIndicator(AppboyImageSwitcher, Card) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.BaseCardView
Checks to see if the card object is viewed and if so, sets the read/unread status
indicator image.
- setCategories(EnumSet<CardCategory>) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyFeedFragment
Calling this method will make AppboyFeedFragment display a list of cards where each card belongs
to at least one of the given categories.
- setCategories(EnumSet<CardCategory>) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyXamarinFormsFeedFragment
Calling this method will make AppboyFeedFragment display a list of cards where each card belongs
to at least one of the given categories.
- setCategory(CardCategory) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyFeedFragment
- setCategory(CardCategory) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyXamarinFormsFeedFragment
- setCategoryIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setCategoryIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Set category for devices on Lollipop and above.
- setChevronColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageSlideup
- setClickAction(ClickAction) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the click action of this in-app message.
- setClickAction(ClickAction, Uri) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the click action of this in-app message.
- setClickAction(ClickAction) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setClickAction(ClickAction, Uri) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setClickAction(ClickAction) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- setClickAction(ClickAction, Uri) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- setClickOutsideModalViewDismissInAppMessageView(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
Sets whether the tapping outside the modal in-app message content dismiss the
- setCloseButtonColor(int) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Sets the close button color on this in-app message.
- setCloseButtonColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- setConfiguration(BrazeConfig) - Method in class com.appboy.configuration.RuntimeAppConfigurationProvider
- setConfigurationProvider(BrazeConfigurationProvider) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setContentCardsActionListener(IContentCardsActionListener) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.managers.BrazeContentCardsManager
- setContentCardsUnreadVisualIndicatorEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets whether the Content Cards unread visual indication bar is enabled.
- setContentCardsViewBindingHandler(IContentCardsViewBindingHandler) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.ContentCardsFragment
- setContentCardSyncData(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setContentCardSyncUserId(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setContentCardUpdateHandler(IContentCardsUpdateHandler) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.ContentCardsFragment
- setContentIfPresent(BrazeConfigurationProvider, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setContentIfPresent(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Sets notification content if it exists in the payload.
- setContentIntentIfPresent(Context, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Create broadcast intent that will fire when the notification has been opened.
- setContentText(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setContext(Context) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setConversationalPush(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setConversationShortcutId(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setCornersRadiiPx(float, float, float, float) - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.IInAppMessageImageView
Instruct the view to use the given radii for its corners.
- setCornersRadiiPx(float, float, float, float) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImageView
- setCornersRadiusPx(float) - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.IInAppMessageImageView
Instruct the view to use the given radius for its corners.
- setCornersRadiusPx(float) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImageView
- setCountry(String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the home country of the user.
- setCountry(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setCropType(CropType) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the crop type for this in-app message's image.
- setCropType(CropType) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setCustomAppboyNotificationFactory(IAppboyNotificationFactory) - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- setCustomAttributeArray(String, String[]) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets a String array of custom user attributes.
- setCustomBrazeNotificationFactory(IBrazeNotificationFactory) - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- setCustomControlInAppMessageManagerListener(IInAppMessageManagerListener) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- setCustomEndpoint(String) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets a custom API endpoint.
- setCustomHtmlInAppMessageActionListener(IHtmlInAppMessageActionListener) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
Assigns a custom IHtmlInAppMessageActionListener that will be used during the display of Html in-app messages.
- setCustomInAppMessageAnimationFactory(IInAppMessageAnimationFactory) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
Assigns a custom IInAppMessageAnimationFactory that will be used to animate the in-app message View.
- setCustomInAppMessageManagerListener(IInAppMessageManagerListener) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- setCustomInAppMessageViewFactory(IInAppMessageViewFactory) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
Assigns a custom IInAppMessageViewFactory that will be used to create the in-app message View.
- setCustomInAppMessageViewWrapperFactory(IInAppMessageViewWrapperFactory) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageManagerBase
- setCustomLocationAttribute(String, double, double) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setCustomLocationProviderNames(EnumSet<LocationProviderName>) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
The set of custom location provider names.
- setCustomNotificationId(Integer) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setCustomUserAttribute(String, boolean) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets a boolean custom user attribute.
- setCustomUserAttribute(String, int) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets an int custom user attribute.
- setCustomUserAttribute(String, float) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets a float custom user attribute.
- setCustomUserAttribute(String, long) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets a long custom user attribute.
- setCustomUserAttribute(String, String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets a string custom user attribute.
- setCustomUserAttribute(String, double) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets a double custom user attribute.
- setCustomUserAttributeArray(String, String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setCustomUserAttributeJSON(String, String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setCustomUserAttributeToNow(String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets a custom attribute with the given key to the current time.
- setCustomUserAttributeToSecondsFromEpoch(String, long) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets a custom attribute to the given number of seconds elapsed since the epoch.
- setCustomWebViewActivityClass(Class<?>) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the activity that Braze will use when opening a deeplink inside the app via a
instead of the default Braze WebView Activity.
- setDateOfBirth(int, Month, int) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the date of birth of the user.
- setDateOfBirth(int, int, int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setDeeplink(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- setDefaultNotificationAccentColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
This integer sets the default accent color for push notifications on Android Lollipop and higher.
- setDefaultNotificationChannelDescription(String) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the NotificationChannel
user facing description as seen via NotificationChannel.getDescription()
for the Braze default NotificationChannel
- setDefaultNotificationChannelName(String) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the NotificationChannel
user facing name as seen via NotificationChannel.getName()
for the Braze default NotificationChannel
- setDeleteIntent(Context, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setDeviceObjectAllowlist(EnumSet<DeviceKey>) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Device object allowlisting is a feature where the SDK can be configured to only
send a subset of the device object keys/values according to some allowlist.
- setDeviceObjectAllowlistEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Device object allowlisting is a feature where the SDK can be configured to only
send a subset of the device object keys/values according to some allowlist.
- setDeviceObjectWhitelist(EnumSet<DeviceKey>) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
- setDeviceObjectWhitelistEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
- setDismissType(DismissType) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the dismiss type of this in-app message.
- setDismissType(DismissType) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setDistanceFromGeofenceRefresh(double) - Method in class com.braze.models.BrazeGeofence
- setDrawableColor(Drawable, int) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageViewUtils
- setDurationInMilliseconds(int) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the duration of this in-app message.
- setDurationInMilliseconds(int) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setEmail(String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the email address of the user.
- setEmail(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setEmailNotificationSubscriptionType(NotificationSubscriptionType) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets whether or not the user should be sent email campaigns.
- setEmailNotificationSubscriptionType(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setExpirationTimestamp(long) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Set the UTC timestamp at which this message expires and will not be displayed.
- setExpirationTimestamp(long) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setExtras(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets or overrides the extras on this in-app message as a map
of key value pairs.
- setExtras(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setFacebookData(FacebookUser) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the Facebook profile data for this user.
- setFeedCardClickActionListener(IFeedClickActionListener) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.AppboyFeedManager
- setFirebaseCloudMessagingSenderIdKey(String) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the sender ID key used to register for Firebase Cloud Messaging.
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the first name of the user.
- setFirstName(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setFocusableInTouchModeAndRequestFocus(View) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils
- setFrameColor(Integer) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Sets the frame color for this in-app message.
- setFrameColor(Integer) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- setFrameColor(View, Integer) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageViewUtils
- setFrameColor(Integer) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- setGender(Gender) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the gender for the user.
- setGender(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setGeofencesEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Gets whether the Braze Geofences feature is enabled.
- setGoodNetworkDataFlushInterval(int) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the data flush interval on good connections.
- setGoogleAdvertisingId(String, boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- setGoogleAdvertisingId(String, boolean) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Sets the Google Advertising ID and associated ad-tracking enabled field for this device.
- setGraphicModalMaxHeightDp(double) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.config.BrazeInAppMessageParams
- setGraphicModalMaxWidthDp(double) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.config.BrazeInAppMessageParams
- setGreatNetworkDataFlushInterval(int) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the data flush interval on great connections.
- setHandlePushDeepLinksAutomatically(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Enables Braze to automatically open your app and any deep links when a push notification is clicked.
- setHeader(String) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Sets the header text of this in-app message.
- setHeader(String) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- setHeaderTextAlign(TextAlign) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Set the text alignment for the header text.
- setHeaderTextAlign(TextAlign) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- setHeaderTextColor(int) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Sets the header text color on this in-app message.
- setHeaderTextColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- setHeightOnViewLayoutParams(View, int) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils
- setHomeCity(String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the home city of the user.
- setHomeCity(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setHtmlPageFinishedListener(IWebViewClientStateListener) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlBaseView
- setIcon(String) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the icon on this in-app message.
- setIcon(String) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setIcon(Context, String, int, int, TextView) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageViewUtils
- setIconBackgroundColor(int) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the icon background color on this in-app message.
- setIconBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setIconColor(int) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the icon color on this in-app message.
- setIconColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setImage(Bitmap, ImageView) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageViewUtils
- setImageDownloadSuccessful(boolean) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageWithImage
Sets the status of the image download on this in-app message.
- setImageDownloadSuccessful(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- setImageLoader(IBrazeImageLoader) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- setImageLoader(IBrazeImageLoader) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
- setImageStyle(ImageStyle) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Set the image style on this in-app message.
- setImageStyle(ImageStyle) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- setImageUrl(String) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageWithImage
- setImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- setImageViewToUrl(ImageView, String, float, Card) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.BaseCardView
Asynchronously fetches the image at the given imageUrl and displays the image in the ImageView.
- setImpressedCardIds(List<String>) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.adapters.ContentCardAdapter
Provides a list of the impressed card ids.
- setInAppMessageImageCropType(CropType) - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.IInAppMessageImageView
Instruct the view to use ImageView.ScaleType.CENTER_CROP
or equivalent.
- setInAppMessageImageCropType(CropType) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImageView
- setInAppMessageTestPushEagerDisplayEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Gets whether the In-App Message Test Push will attempt to automatically display
the test In-App Message without the need for clicking on a push beforehand.
- setInAppMessageWebViewClient(InAppMessageWebViewClient) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlBaseView
- setInAppMessageWebViewClientMaxOnPageFinishedWaitMs(int) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the maximum length of time, in milliseconds,
to wait for the WebViewClient.onPageFinished(WebView, String)
callback to fire before displaying an HTML In-App Message.
- setInAppMessagingRegistrationBlacklist(Set<Class<?>>) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeActivityLifecycleCallbackListener
- setInAppMessagingRegistrationBlocklist(Set<Class<?>>) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeActivityLifecycleCallbackListener
Sets the Object.getClass()
blocklist for which in-app message registration will not occur.
- setIndicatorHighlighted(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
Sets the visual indicator at the bottom of the card is highlighted.
- setInitialLogLevelFromConfiguration(int) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
- setInlineImagePush(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setIsDismissed(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
Sets a card as dismissed.
- setIsDismissibleByUser(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
Sets whether this card can be dismissed by the user.
- setIsFirebaseCloudMessagingRegistrationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets whether the SDK to automatically register for Firebase Cloud Messaging.
- setIsFirebaseMessagingServiceOnNewTokenRegistrationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Determines whether the Braze will automatically register tokens in
- setIsInAppMessageAccessibilityExclusiveModeEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
In-app message accessibility exclusive mode, when enabled, forces accessibility readers to only be able to
read currently displaying in-app messages and no other screen contents.
- setIsInlineImagePush(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setIsLocationCollectionEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
This boolean sets whether Braze should automatically collect location (if the user permits).
- setIsPinned(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
Sets this card as pinned in the default UI.
- setIsPushWakeScreenForNotificationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets whether a screen wakelock will be acquired to wake the device screen for
push notifications.
- setIsRead(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- setIsSdkAuthenticationEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets whether SDK authentication is enabled.
- setIsSessionStartBasedTimeoutEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the session timeout behavior to be either session-start or session-end based.
- setIsTest(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
- setIsTouchModeRequiredForHtmlInAppMessages(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Determines whether View.isInTouchMode()
is required
to show HTML In-App Messages.
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the language of the user.
- setLanguage(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setLargeIcon(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setLargeIconIfPresentAndSupported(Context, BrazeConfigurationProvider, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setLargeIconIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Set large icon.
- setLargeNotificationIcon(String) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the large icon used in notifications.
- setLargerCloseButtonClickArea(View) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
Sets a rectangular click area for the close button.
- setLastKnownLocation(double, double, Double, Double) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the last known location for the user.
- setLastName(String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the last name of the user.
- setLastName(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setLocalAssetsDirectoryUrl(String) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageHtml
Sets the local URL of the assets directory for the html In-App Message.
- setLocalAssetsDirectoryUrl(String) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtmlBase
- setLocaleToApiMapping(List<String>) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the locale to API key mapping as a list of strings.
- setLocalImageUrl(String) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageWithImage
Sets the image on this in-app message to a local uri.
- setLocalImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- setLocalPrefetchedAssetPaths(Map<String, String>) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
- setLocalPrefetchedAssetPaths(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
The base In-App Message class does not have
assets of its own.
- setLocalPrefetchedAssetPaths(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtml
- setLocalPrefetchedAssetPaths(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtmlBase
- setLocalPrefetchedAssetPaths(Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- setLocationCustomAttribute(String, double, double) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
- setLogLevel(int) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
Sets the log level used for logging messages from the Braze SDK.
- setMessage(String) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the message text of this in-app message.
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setMessage(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- setMessageBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- setMessageBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageFullView
- setMessageBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageModalView
- setMessageBackgroundColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageSlideupView
- setMessageButtons(List<MessageButton>) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageImmersive
Sets the message buttons for this in-app message.
- setMessageButtons(List<MessageButton>) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageImmersiveBase
- setMessageButtons(List<MessageButton>) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- setMessageChevron(int, ClickAction) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageSlideupView
- setMessageCloseButtonColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- setMessageFields(JSONObject) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageHtml
- setMessageHeaderText(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- setMessageHeaderTextAlignment(TextAlign) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- setMessageHeaderTextColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- setMessageIcon(String, int, int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- setMessageImageView(Bitmap) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- setMessageTextAlign(TextAlign) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Set the text alignment for the message text.
- setMessageTextAlign(TextAlign) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setMessageTextAlign(TextAlign) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- setMessageTextColor(int) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the message text color on this in-app message.
- setMessageTextColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setMessageTextColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageBaseView
- setModalizedImageRadiusDp(double) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.config.BrazeInAppMessageParams
- setNewsfeedVisualIndicatorOn(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
When true, sets the Newsfeed visual indicator for read/unread status to be enabled.
- setNotificationBadgeNumber(Integer) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setNotificationBadgeNumberIfPresent(NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setNotificationBadgeNumberIfPresent(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Sets the notification number, set via NotificationCompat.Builder#setNumber(int)
- setNotificationCategory(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setNotificationChannelId(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setNotificationChannelIfSupported(Context, BrazeConfigurationProvider, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setNotificationDurationAlarm(Context, Class<?>, int, int) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Creates an alarm which will issue a broadcast to cancel the notification specified by the given notificationId after the given duration.
- setNotificationReceivedTimestampMillis(Long) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setNotificationSound(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setNotificationVisibility(Integer) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setOffline(boolean) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboyImageLoader
Set this image loader offline.
- setOffline(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.lrucache.AppboyLruImageLoader
- setOpenUriInWebView(boolean) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets whether to use AppboyWebViewActivity to open deep links from this in-app message.
- setOpenUriInWebView(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setOpenUriInWebview(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- setOptionalCardImage(ImageView, float, String, float, Card) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.view.BaseContentCardView
Sets the card's image to a given url.
- setOptionalTextView(TextView, String) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.widget.BaseCardView
Applies the text to the TextView
- setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessage
Sets the preferred screen orientation for this in-app message.
- setOrientation(Orientation) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageBase
- setOutboundNetworkRequestsOffline(boolean) - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
Pauses or resumes outbound network requests from the Braze SDK at any point during runtime.
- setPhoneNumber(String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the phone number of the user.
- setPhoneNumber(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setPinnedIconVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.view.ContentCardViewHolder
Sets the pinned icon to View.VISIBLE
when true, or View.GONE
- setPriorityIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Sets the priority of the notification if a priority is present in the notification extras.
- setPublicNotificationExtras(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setPublicVersionIfPresentAndSupported(Context, BrazeConfigurationProvider, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setPublicVersionIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Set the public version of the notification for notifications with private visibility.
- setPushDeepLinkBackStackActivityClass(Class<?>) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the activity that Braze will add to the back stack when automatically following deep links for push.
- setPushDeepLinkBackStackActivityEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Enables Braze to add an activity to the back stack when automatically following deep links for push.
- setPushDuration(Integer) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setPushHtmlRenderingEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets whether a the text content in push notifications should be interpreted and
rendered as Html using Html.fromHtml(String, int)
- setPushNotificationSubscriptionType(NotificationSubscriptionType) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the push notification subscription status of the user.
- setPushNotificationSubscriptionType(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.jsinterface.InAppMessageUserJavascriptInterface
- setPushStory(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setPushStoryPageIndex(int) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setPushStoryPages(List<BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage>) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setReadIcon(Drawable) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.AppboyImageSwitcher
- setRemoteImageUrl(String) - Method in interface com.braze.models.inappmessage.IInAppMessageWithImage
Sets the image on this in-app message to a remote uri.
- setRemoteImageUrl(String) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageWithImageBase
- setResourcePackageName(String) - Static method in class com.appboy.support.PackageUtils
Utility method for setting the package name that will be used to look up resources
dynamically at runtime.
- setSdkAuthenticationSignature(String) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- setSdkAuthenticationSignature(String) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Sets the signature used for SDK authentication
for the currently identified user.
- setSdkFlavor(SdkFlavor) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Internal method.
- setServerTarget(String) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Internal method.
- setSessionHandlingBlacklist(Set<Class<?>>) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeActivityLifecycleCallbackListener
- setSessionHandlingBlocklist(Set<Class<?>>) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeActivityLifecycleCallbackListener
Sets the Object.getClass()
blocklist for which session handling will not occur.
- setSessionTimeout(int) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
The length of time before a session times out in seconds.
- setSetShowWhen(NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setSetShowWhen(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
This method exists to disable NotificationCompat.Builder#setShowWhen(boolean)
for push stories.
- setSlideFrom(SlideFrom) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.InAppMessageSlideup
- setSmallIcon(BrazeConfigurationProvider, NotificationCompat.Builder) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Sets the icon used in the notification bar itself.
- setSmallNotificationIcon(String) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
Sets the small icon used in notifications.
- setSortEnabled(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyFeedFragment
The setSortEnabled methods sets the mSortEnabled bool which determines whether or not on update we sort
newsfeed cards by their read status.
- setSoundIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setSoundIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Notifications can optionally include a sound to play when the notification is delivered.
- setStoryPageId(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- setStyleIfSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationStyleFactory
Sets the style of the notification if supported.
- setStyleIfSupported(Context, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setSubtitle(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- setSubtitleGravity(int) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- setSummaryText(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setSummaryTextIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setSummaryTextIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Sets the subText of the notification if a summary is present in the notification extras.
- setTestUserDeviceLoggingManager(TestUserDeviceLoggingManager) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
Internal Appboy method.
- setText(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- setText(String) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- setTextAlignment(TextView, TextAlign) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageViewUtils
- setTextColor(int) - Method in class com.braze.models.inappmessage.MessageButton
- setTextViewColor(TextView, int) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageViewUtils
- setTickerIfPresent(NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setTickerIfPresent(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Sets notification ticker to the title if it exists in the notificationExtras.
- setTitle(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- setTitleGravity(int) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- setTitleIfPresent(BrazeConfigurationProvider, NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setTitleIfPresent(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setTitleText(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload
- setToHalfParentHeight(boolean) - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.IInAppMessageImageView
- setToHalfParentHeight(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImageView
- setTouchListener(TouchAwareSwipeDismissTouchListener.ITouchListener) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.listeners.TouchAwareSwipeDismissTouchListener
- setTriggerActionMinimumTimeIntervalSeconds(int) - Method in class com.braze.configuration.BrazeConfig.Builder
The minimum interval in seconds between actions, such as an in-app message, that can be triggered
by an in-app event, such as the logging of a custom event.
- setTwitterData(TwitterUser) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Sets the Twitter data for this user.
- setType(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- setUnreadBarVisible(boolean) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.view.ContentCardViewHolder
Sets the unread bar to View.VISIBLE
when true, or View.GONE
- setUnReadIcon(Drawable) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.feed.AppboyImageSwitcher
- setupDirectionalNavigation(int) - Method in interface com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.IInAppMessageImmersiveView
Sets up the directional navigation pointers needed to support d-pad/TV-remote
navigation of the in-app message.
- setupDirectionalNavigation(int) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageImmersiveBaseView
- setUri(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- setUri(Uri) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.actions.UriAction
- setUserId(String) - Method in class com.braze.BrazeUser
Internal method.
- setUseWebview(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.ActionButton
- setUseWebview(String) - Method in class com.appboy.models.push.BrazeNotificationPayload.PushStoryPage
- setUseWebView(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.actions.UriAction
- setViewBackground(View) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.view.BaseContentCardView
- setViewBackgroundColor(View, int) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageViewUtils
- setViewBackgroundColorFilter(View, int) - Static method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageViewUtils
- setViewed(boolean) - Method in class com.appboy.models.cards.Card
This should be set to true when a card has it's impression logged.
- setVisibilityIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, Bundle) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
- setVisibilityIfPresentAndSupported(NotificationCompat.Builder, BrazeNotificationPayload) - Static method in class com.braze.push.BrazeNotificationUtils
Set visibility for devices on Lollipop and above.
- setWebViewClientStateListener(IWebViewClientStateListener) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageWebViewClient
- setWebViewContent(String, String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlBaseView
Loads the WebView using an html string and local file resource url.
- setWebViewContent(String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.views.InAppMessageHtmlBaseView
Loads the WebView using just an html string.
- ShortNewsCard - Class in com.appboy.models.cards
- ShortNewsCard(JSONObject, CardKey.Provider) - Constructor for class com.appboy.models.cards.ShortNewsCard
- ShortNewsCard(JSONObject, CardKey.Provider, IBrazeManager, ICardStorageProvider<?>, ICardAnalyticsProvider) - Constructor for class com.appboy.models.cards.ShortNewsCard
- ShortNewsCardView - Class in com.appboy.ui.widget
- ShortNewsCardView(Context) - Constructor for class com.appboy.ui.widget.ShortNewsCardView
- ShortNewsCardView(Context, ShortNewsCard) - Constructor for class com.appboy.ui.widget.ShortNewsCardView
- ShortNewsContentCardView - Class in com.braze.ui.contentcards.view
- ShortNewsContentCardView(Context) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.contentcards.view.ShortNewsContentCardView
- shouldAllowSingletonInitialization() - Static method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView, WebResourceRequest) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageWebViewClient
Handles `appboy` schemed ("appboy://") urls in the HTML content WebViews.
- shouldOverrideUrlLoading(WebView, String) - Method in class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.utils.InAppMessageWebViewClient
- SimpleItemTouchHelperCallback - Class in com.braze.ui.contentcards.recycler
- SimpleItemTouchHelperCallback(ItemTouchHelperAdapter) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.contentcards.recycler.SimpleItemTouchHelperCallback
- SimpleValueCallback<T> - Class in com.appboy.events
A convenience class to extend when you only want to listen for a subset
of all the value callback methods.
- SimpleValueCallback() - Constructor for class com.appboy.events.SimpleValueCallback
- sInstance - Static variable in class com.appboy.Appboy
- sIsApiKeyPresent - Static variable in class com.appboy.Appboy
- size() - Method in class com.appboy.models.outgoing.AppboyProperties
- SlideFrom - Enum in com.braze.enums.inappmessage
- SMALL_NOTIFICATION_ICON_KEY - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- sMockNetworkRequestsAndDropEvents - Static variable in class com.appboy.Appboy
- sortFeedCards(List<Card>) - Method in class com.appboy.ui.AppboyFeedFragment
The sortFeedCards is responsible for sorting newsfeed cards depending on whether or not they have already been viewed.
- sOutboundNetworkRequestsOffline - Static variable in class com.appboy.Appboy
- sSdkEnablementProvider - Static variable in class com.appboy.Appboy
- stringArrayToJsonString(String[]) - Static method in class com.braze.support.StringUtils
- StringUtils - Class in com.appboy.support
- StringUtils() - Constructor for class com.appboy.support.StringUtils
- StringUtils - Class in com.braze.support
- StringUtils() - Constructor for class com.braze.support.StringUtils
- subscribeToContentCardsUpdates(IEventSubscriber<ContentCardsUpdatedEvent>) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- subscribeToContentCardsUpdates(IEventSubscriber<ContentCardsUpdatedEvent>) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Subscribes to Content Cards events.
- subscribeToFeedUpdates(IEventSubscriber<FeedUpdatedEvent>) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- subscribeToFeedUpdates(IEventSubscriber<FeedUpdatedEvent>) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Subscribes to news feed events.
- subscribeToNetworkFailures(IEventSubscriber<BrazeNetworkFailureEvent>) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- subscribeToNetworkFailures(IEventSubscriber<BrazeNetworkFailureEvent>) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Subscribes to network failures that have occurred within the SDK.
- subscribeToNewInAppMessages(IEventSubscriber<InAppMessageEvent>) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- subscribeToNewInAppMessages(IEventSubscriber<InAppMessageEvent>) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Subscribes to in-app message events.
- subscribeToSdkAuthenticationFailures(IEventSubscriber<BrazeSdkAuthenticationErrorEvent>) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- subscribeToSdkAuthenticationFailures(IEventSubscriber<BrazeSdkAuthenticationErrorEvent>) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Subscribes to SDK Authentication failures.
- subscribeToSessionUpdates(IEventSubscriber<SessionStateChangedEvent>) - Method in class com.appboy.Appboy
- subscribeToSessionUpdates(IEventSubscriber<SessionStateChangedEvent>) - Method in interface com.appboy.IAppboy
Subscribes to Session start and close events.
- SUPPRESS - Static variable in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
- swapRecyclerViewAdapter(<any>) - Method in class com.braze.ui.contentcards.ContentCardsFragment
Swaps the current RecyclerView
for a new one.
- SwipeDismissTouchListener - Class in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.listeners
A View.OnTouchListener
that makes any View
dismissable when the
user swipes (drags her finger) horizontally across the view.
- SwipeDismissTouchListener(View, Object, SwipeDismissTouchListener.DismissCallbacks) - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.inappmessage.listeners.SwipeDismissTouchListener
Constructs a new swipe-to-dismiss touch listener for the given view.
- SwipeDismissTouchListener.DismissCallbacks - Interface in com.braze.ui.inappmessage.listeners
The callback interface used by
to inform its client
about a successful dismissal of the view for which it was created.
- v(String, String) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
Send a verbose log message.
- v(String, String, Throwable) - Static method in class com.braze.support.BrazeLogger
- ValidationUtils - Class in com.appboy.support
- ValidationUtils() - Constructor for class com.appboy.support.ValidationUtils
- ValidationUtils - Class in com.braze.support
Useful validation methods for checking user input.
- ValidationUtils() - Constructor for class com.braze.support.ValidationUtils
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.CardCategory
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.CardKey
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.CardType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.Channel
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.DeviceKey
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.Gender
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.LocationProviderName
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.Month
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.NotificationSubscriptionType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.SdkFlavor
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.events.BrazeNetworkFailureEvent.RequestType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.events.SessionStateChangedEvent.ChangeType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.appboy.IAppboyNavigator.IntentFlagPurpose
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.BrazeDateFormat
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.BrazeViewBounds
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.ClickAction
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.CropType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.DismissType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.ImageStyle
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.InAppMessageFailureType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.MessageType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.Orientation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.SlideFrom
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.TextAlign
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- valueOf(String) - Static method in enum com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageOperation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.CardCategory
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.CardKey
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.CardType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.Channel
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.DeviceKey
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.Gender
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.LocationProviderName
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.Month
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.NotificationSubscriptionType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.enums.SdkFlavor
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.events.BrazeNetworkFailureEvent.RequestType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.events.SessionStateChangedEvent.ChangeType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.appboy.IAppboyNavigator.IntentFlagPurpose
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.BrazeDateFormat
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.BrazeViewBounds
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.ClickAction
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.CropType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.DismissType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.ImageStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.InAppMessageFailureType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.MessageType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.Orientation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.SlideFrom
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.enums.inappmessage.TextAlign
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- values() - Static method in enum com.braze.ui.inappmessage.InAppMessageOperation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in
the order they are declared.
- VERSION_CODE_KEY - Static variable in class com.appboy.configuration.AppboyConfigurationProvider
- ViewUtils - Class in com.appboy.ui.support
- ViewUtils() - Constructor for class com.appboy.ui.support.ViewUtils
- ViewUtils - Class in com.braze.ui.support
- ViewUtils() - Constructor for class com.braze.ui.support.ViewUtils